

Stephen Meyer, Signature in the Cell: What is intelligent design?

Definitions of intelligent design used in the mainstream media are either so superficial as to be meaningless, or completely wrong in stating that ID is creationism and anti-evolutionary. One of the best basic definitions is from “The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, Read More ›

Is intelligent design science?

Dr. Stephen Meyer talks about the assumptions materialistic scientists hold about intelligent design and how they inaccurately combat the theory. Dr. Meyer walks through various definitions of science and how darwinists make certain claims that are self-defeating. Read More ›

What is Intelligent Design and What is it Challenging?

Intelligent Design: says there are certain features in nature that are best explained by intelligence and not by undirected process such as Darwin’s natural selection. It does not challenge evolution–as dependent on different definitions–rather it directly opposes Darwinian evolution.


Mathematician Granville Sewell on Evolution and Intelligent Design

UT mathematician Granville Sewell has produced a book of essays spanning a wide variety of issues related to the debate over evolution. Besides biological evolution, it also deals with the Big Bang, the fine-tuning of the laws of physics, quantum mechanics, and even design in mathematics.

For more about In the Beginning and Other Essays on Intelligent Design go here.

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What Hath Darwin Wrought Trailer

“What Hath Darwin Wrought?” is a TV special that investigates the shocking history of “social Darwinism” in America and Europe, including the eugenics crusade against the “unfit,” the euthanasia movement, Nazi genocide, and current efforts to devalue the lives of the handicapped. Hosted by Todd Friel, the program features Discovery Institute Senior Fellows David Berlinski, author of The Devil’s Delusion and The Deniable Darwin; John West, author of Darwin Read More ›

Our Founding Fathers and the Separation of Church & State

Dr. Philip Munoz lectures on the true beliefs of the founding fathers on church and state. He begins by comparing the liberal and conservative stories of the founders. He moves into the political philosophies of Madison, Jefferson, and Washington, and concludes with his thoughts on how we might best approach the father’s competing wisdom. Read More ›

The Real “Hurt Locker”

President of Discovery Institute, Bruce Chapman, interviews Koshin Mohamed, an American Combat Engineer in Iraq & Afghanistan. Mohamed gives his existential commentary on the happenings on the ground.


A Rat is a Pig is a Dog is a Boy: Book Release Party

Wesley J. Smith, a prolific bioethicist, lectures on his new book, A Rat is a Pig is a Dog is a Boy. He argues for human exceptionalism and, being special creatures, human’s responsibility in the world. A book party and part of The McNaughton Fellows Lecture Series, March 18, 2010. Related