Former Federal Homelessness Czar Joins Discovery Institute’s Center on Wealth & Poverty as a Senior Fellow
Seattle – Robert Marbut, a renowned expert on homelessness, has been named to Discovery Institute’s Center on Wealth & Poverty as a senior fellow. “The Center on Wealth & Poverty has been a national leader in shining a hot spotlight on the flawed federal homelessness polices.” Said Marbut. “Sadly, these policies have created a homelessness crisis in the United States that has become a national disaster, with far reaching negative effects on both individuals experiencing homelessness and local communities.” A major project of the Center on Wealth & Poverty is the Fixhomelessness.org website which focuses on and reports about the root causes of homelessness and recommends public policies that address those causes, not just surface needs. The project exposes the Read More ›

Discovery Institute Welcomes Former White House Correspondent as New Chapman Center Fellow

‘It’s the Bond Between All of Us That Holds Us Together’

A Moral Argument for Killer Robots: Why America’s Military Needs to Continue Development of Lethal AI

Leading Economist and Developer of Time-Prices, Dr. Gale Pooley Appointed as a Fellow of Discovery Institute
Seattle — Discovery Institute is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Gale L. Pooley to serve as a fellow with the Institute’s Center on Wealth and Poverty. “Gale Pooley is the world leader in the most important movement in contemporary economics — based on the recognition that wealth is knowledge, money is time, and the only true prices are Read More ›

Discovery Institute Fellow Chrisopher Rufo Set to Release New Documentary Next Year on American Poverty
Discovery Institute research fellow Christopher F. Rufo is set to release his latest feature-length documentary, America Lost, which tells the story of life in three “forgotten American cities” — Youngstown, Ohio, Memphis, Tennessee, and Stockton, California. America Lost reveals the dramatic decline of the American interior through a combination of emotional personal stories and thoughtful conservative commentary. Filmmaker Christopher F. Rufo spent Read More ›
Internet Investment and Innovation Threatened By Appellate Courts’ Net Neutrality Ruling
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE JUNE 15, 2016 Contact Information for Media Only Discovery Institute 206-202-0401 x107 info@discovery.org Internet Investment and Innovation Threatened By Appellate Courts’ Net Neutrality Ruling WASHINGTON, DC – “Allowing the FCC to rule the Internet like a public utility under Title II of the 1934 Communications Act will do nothing but produce a broadband shortage,” said George Gilder, bestselling technology author and Discovery Institute senior fellow. “This just creates new incentives for broadband providers to divert investment into advertising and content platforms or other countries,” Gilder added. By a 2-1 vote the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has upheld the net neutrality rules adopted by the Federal Communications Commission in 2015. Discovery Institute senior fellow Read More ›
Education Reform Must Begin With the Legislature Says Former Seattle School Board President

FCC Threatens Investment and Innovation with Net Neutrality
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact Information for Media OnlyDiscovery Institute202-558-7085info@discovery.org Washington, DC – “Today’s party-line vote by the Federal Communications Commission to reverse three decades of bipartisan communications policy threatens to jeopardize investment and innovation in the network by opening the door to the possibility of pervasive regulation,” said Hance Haney the Director and Senior Fellow of the Technology & Democracy Project Read More ›