
ERVs, Pseudogenes, and Onions

In 2012, the evolutionary “junk DNA” paradigm took a major hit when the ENCODE Project reported that over 80% of our DNA is biochemically functional. How did evolutionary biologists respond to the demise of one of their favorite arguments? Their responses fall into three main categories: (1) Get angry, (2) rewrite history, and (3) deny the data. This video explores Read More ›

Conch shell on beach  with waves.

God’s Grandeur: Ann Gauger on the Scientific Case for Design

On this episode of ID The Future, host Jay Richards begins a two-part conversation with Ann Gauger about her newly edited volume God's Grandeur: The Catholic Case for Intelligent Design. Part 1 of their discussion focuses on the scientific case presented in the book. Gauger reviews compelling biological evidence for design in the DNA code, molecular machines, the differences between humans and animals, and even the intriguing possibility that the entire human race came from two original parents. This is Part 1 of a conversation. Visit GodsGrandeur.org to learn more and download a free chapter! Read More ›
Scientist Gregor Mendel on austrian postage stamp

Mendel vs. Darwin

On this ID the Future from the vault, geneticist Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig, former research scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, talks with host Casey Luskin about Gregor Mendel’s laws of inheritance, how they clashed with the thinking of Charles Darwin, and how acceptance of Darwinism greatly hindered acceptance of Mendel’s great insights. Read More ›