Faith & Science


Exclusive Book Launch for “Stockholm Syndrome Christianity” by John G. West

Discovery Institute cordially invites you to join Dr. John G. West for an exciting evening in Tacoma, WA, as we celebrate the release of his thought-provoking new book, Stockholm Syndrome Christianity: Why America’s Christian Leaders Are Failing — and What We Can Do About It. Read More ›
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Celebrating the Life & Legacy of Jonathan Wells

Join us for a special event commemorating the life and enduring impact of Jonathan Wells, a pioneering scholar in the field of intelligent design. Up until his recent passing in September, Dr. Wells made significant contributions to science and culture through his groundbreaking research, provocative writings, and deep commitment to intellectual inquiry. Read More ›

A Catholic Case for Intelligent Design

A faithful catechist in Fr. Martin Hilbert’s parish came to see him. “Father Martin,” she said, “I have been teaching children about Adam and Eve, just as the Catechism tells us. But we can’t be expected to believe that, can we? What is the real story?” Read More ›
The God Proofs - Book Cover

The God Proofs

Join two friends on an epic journey to tackle the ultimate mystery—does God exist? In this graphic novel, follow our dynamic duo as they explore the wonders of science, challenge each other’s beliefs, and uncover mind-boggling facts about the universe.

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Author Q&A Webinar on “The Privileged Planet”, 2nd Edition

Join us for a special webinar celebrating the 20th anniversary of The Privileged Planet. We’re excited to celebrate the release of the 2nd edition of the acclaimed book, joined by the authors themselves. In this free online webinar, astrobiologist Guillermo Gonzalez and philosopher of science Jay Richards will discuss groundbreaking scientific advances since the original 2004 publication, evaluate the implications Read More ›

A Symposium on the Catholic Case for Intelligent Design

On October 18–19, the Cleveland Lyceum will host a symposium on “God’s Grandeur: the Catholic Case for Intelligent Design” featuring Discovery Institute speakers Brian Miller and John West. The conference will be hosted in historic Brecksville, Ohio at St. Joseph’s Byzantine Catholic Church. Before the symposium begins on Friday, high school students will have the opportunity to hear from Brian Read More ›

John West to Speak on the Bible and the Rise of Science at Conference in Tacoma, WA

Discovery Institute Vice President John West Speaking on "Let there be Light: The Bible's Influence on the Creation and Perpetuation of Modern Science" at upcoming conference in Tacoma, WA. Read More ›

Unnatural Death

In this wide-ranging history of euthanasia and assisted suicide, historian Richard Weikart takes us from the ancient Jews, Greeks, and Romans to the contemporary scene — where the urge to help people kill themselves has intensified, even to the point of pushing the reluctant towards death. How did we reach this place? Unnatural Death answers this question by tracing a complex and fascinating history of ideas, attitudes, and legal wranglings stretching from Socrates to Peter Singer and beyond. Read More ›