drug addiction

Homeless man sitting on the street, generative ai
Homeless man sitting on the street, generative ai

A Christian Approach to Treating Fentanyl Addiction

A California rescue mission rehabilitates people through love of God and fellowship. I spent four days and nights last month at the Orange County Rescue Mission, a Christian outfit serving the local homeless. I left with stories from 40 men and women about years of cycling through drug deals, arrests, jail, probation, parole violations, homelessness and prison. Andrew, 36, dropped Read More ›


California, the Dream and the Nightmare

“The homeless are just like you and me.” That’s a politically correct assertion that doesn’t quite recognize the reality on the ground, such as the link between self-destructive behavior — most notably, substance abuse — and living on the street with no place to call home. California is home to 12% of America’s population, but 30% of the number “experiencing Read More ›

Choe on Jesse Watters

Jonathan Choe Discusses Seattle’s Drug Crisis with Jesse Watters

Students at Summit Sierra High School in Seattle are surrounded by a gauntlet of drug dealers, addicts, an open air black market, and dangerous homeless encampments. Yet state, county, and city leaders are allowing this to flourish with no timeline on solutions. Parents are livid, teachers aren't sure what to do, and some say this culture is now being normalized. This is a public safety failure. Read More ›
Hands of Homelessness Poor man holding the paper house hope to have family home and warm home
Hands of Homelessness Poor man holding the paper house hope to have family home and warm home

Discovery Institute Releases National Report on Homelessness

The problems linked to homelessness, including substance abuse, mental illness, and crime, are increasing in America despite untold sums of government money spent to address this complex problem. Read More ›
Drug dealer selling drugs
Drug dealer selling drugs

Don’t Fall for ‘Conservative’ Pitch to Legalize Hard Drugs

We know that radical left-wing subversives want to legalize hard drugs. So do some libertarians—which is a polite word for social Darwinism. But conservatives generally oppose legalization, understanding the devastating social costs and personal dissipation that hard drug abuse causes to families, communities, and individuals who would be tempted to imbibe by the lack of potential legal consequence. Read More ›