
A Democrat Looks at his Party … Part 2 – Q&A

Q&A with Former Democratic Strategist Ted Van Dyk View at YouTube

One of the Northwest’s most intriguing sages on national politics is Ted Van Dyk, longtime Democratic strategist and writer who over his career has been an aide to such prominent figures as Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Senator George McGovern and philanthropist/financier Michael Milken. His new book, Heroes, Hacks, and Fools: Memoirs from the Political Inside (University of Washington Press), is an amusing, acerbic review of how politics has changed into a blood sport in recent years. It also is a plea for “agenda driven” politics that — in Humphrey’s phrase — are “tough on issues, soft on people.” At this event, Mr. Van Dyk will speak about his book, about the Democratic Party and that state of American politics in general. This is an excellent opportunity to consider our current primary election season in the light of the tumultuous four decades since the “revolutionary” year of 1968. Mr. Van Dyk will share his experiences with Lyndon Johnson, Paul Tsongas, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, among others, and offer his thoughts on such topics as Baby Boom Politics, respect for political adversaries and the impact of modern media on election outcomes.