Joint Chief of Staffs Chair Should Be About One Thing: Winning

This Memorial Day, Remember The Courage And Forgiveness That Made America Great

Time to Neutralize North Korea’s Missile Threat

A Chinese Trojan Horse in Grand Forks, North Dakota?

A Bad Idea Whose Time Is Past
Bruce Chapman, former director of the U.S. Census Bureau, deputy assistant to President Ronald Reagan, and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Organizations in Vienna, Austria, has been president of Discovery Institute since 1990. In 1967 he made an early case for an all-volunteer military in The Wrong Man in Uniform (Trident Press of Simon & Schuster). If each woman Read More ›
Defending the 21st Century
“Against All Terrors” is one man’s vision for reshaping America’s way of defending its interests. Philip Gold, a Discovery Institute defense analyst, has written a book for the layperson who might not normally read a book about terrorism or defense issues. And while this approach occasionally causes the book to be overly broad, Gold succeeds in bringing a basic understanding Read More ›

Jihadistan 3
Jihadistan Part II: Defending Against It
In our last episode, we considered the problem of Jihadistan the violent, expansionist Islamic fundamentalism that has created an arc of terror from North Africa through the Middle East and Central Asia to the Philippines and Indonesia, and which is now firmly established in Europe and North America. This session, what to do about it. Six items here. First Read More ›
Turning to Sources for Traditionalism
Among the pleasures of taking up space on this page is the chance, from time to time, to report on some accomplishment that might otherwise go under-noticed. When the accomplishment belongs to a friend . . .well, OK, this is a puff piece. But the pufferys deserved, because the accomplishments magnificent. Adam Pruzan works for Toward Tradition, a Seattle-based Jewish/conservative Read More ›