Is the Wall Against Human Cloning About to Fall?
Wesley J. Smith & Dr. Theresa Deisher discuss the ethics of cloning and the potential slippery slope that cloning could bring. Part of the McNaughton Fellows Lecture Series at Discovery Institute.
Wesley J. Smith & Dr. Theresa Deisher discuss the ethics of cloning and the potential slippery slope that cloning could bring. Part of the McNaughton Fellows Lecture Series at Discovery Institute.
Jay Richards discusses how the theory of intelligent design interacts with the doctrines of the Catholic Church.
Read More ›This video episode of ID the Future features Dr. Stephen Meyer, author of Signature in the Cell, discussing the proposal of some theistic evolutionists that all of God’s design of the world must have been “front-loaded” at the beginning of the universe. This is based on his essay in God & Evolution Protestants, Catholics and Jews Explore Darwin’s Challenge to Faith.
On the 700 Club, Stephen Meyer discusses the hype behind Dr. J. Craig Venter’s engineering of a new cell and why he did not create artificial life. He continues to talk about the information within DNA that could not have been generated apart from intelligence.
Claire Berlinski discusses a new danger in the Middle East. She predicts new interactions between the two countries after viewing the changing in governments, economies, and cultural outlooks. Read More ›
Jay Richards discusses the problem of evil for the theistic and theistic evolutionary perspectives. He notes the common answer that theists give: God allows man to have free will and this liberty brings evil into the world. The evolutionist’s answer to the question makes the problem more acute: God sent everything into existence at once and therefore could not create everything in perfect moral order right away.
Jay Richards notes that the Catholic Church has no qualms with evolution if its defined as change over time. But according to Pope Pius XII and other popes who have discussed evolution, Darwinian evolution specifically contradicts their holy text and tradition.
Read More ›Senior Fellow of the Discovery Institute, John West, analysis three big questions regarding evolution and God. Listen as he answers these questions: Did God Direct Evolution? Did God Create Humans Morally Good? Is there any Evidence of Design in Nature?
Jay Richards, Stephen Meyer, David Klinghoffer, and John West discuss the questions they pose and answer in God and Evolution. They focus squarely on the implications of evolution as it pertains to faiths. www.faithandevolution.org