Weakness and Underestimating Enemies Invites War

The BRICs Go For Gold

A Chinese Fifth Column in the United States?

The Final Chinafication of the United States

Don’t Forfeit US Sovereignty to Reset Federal Reserve System

The WHO Pandemic Treaty Is a Back Door to CCP Control Over the US

China Decoupling
Andre Fuetsch, former CTO of AT&T, interviews Keith Krach, former U.S. Undersecretary of State and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, about U.S./China relations, Chinese technology, and Krach’s “trust principle,” which emphasizes democratic values such as respect for the rule of law, property, press, human rights, and national sovereignty; protection of labor and the environment, and standards for transparency, integrity, and reciprocity, Read More ›

Grand Forks, North Dakota: Profound Lessons for America’s National Security