Social Darwinism


Darwin Comes to Africa

Charles Darwin fathered not just a scientific theory, but a toxic social ideology that fueled racist colonial policies in Africa. In this sobering book, African scholar Olufemi Oluniyi traces the insidious impact of Darwinian ideas on British imperial policies in Northern Nigeria. Drawing on official documents, public statements, and well-attested historical events, Oluniyi documents how concepts such as evolutionary racism Read More ›

Drug dealer selling drugs

Don’t Fall for ‘Conservative’ Pitch to Legalize Hard Drugs

We know that radical left-wing subversives want to legalize hard drugs. So do some libertarians—which is a polite word for social Darwinism. But conservatives generally oppose legalization, understanding the devastating social costs and personal dissipation that hard drug abuse causes to families, communities, and individuals who would be tempted to imbibe by the lack of potential legal consequence. Read More ›
Darwinian Racism

Eric Metaxas and Richard Weikart Spotlight Darwinian Racism

Today’s ID the Future brings listeners a lively conversation between radio host and bestselling author Eric Metaxas and historian Richard Weikart about Weikart’s new book, Darwinian Racism: How Darwinism Influenced Hitler, Nazism, and White Nationalism. Read More ›

Survival of the Fittest or Survival of the Statist?

John West, Discovery Institute Vice President and author of Darwin Day in America, describes the history of social Darwinism and its influence on economics, government policy, and social institutions.

Darwinian Racism

Darwinian Racism Webinar, Pt. 2

Today’s ID the Future features the second half of a recent webinar spotlighting historian Richard Weikart and his new book, Darwinian Racism: How Darwinism Influenced Hitler, Nazism, and White Nationalism. Here Weikart fields questions from the webinar audience. Read More ›

Whoopi Goldberg, Nazi Racism, and Social Darwinism

Were the Nazis racist? Celebrity Whoopi Goldberg has been in the news claiming that what the Nazis did wasn’t about racism because it was “white on white.” Historian Richard Weikart responds by discussing the findings of his new book Darwinian Racism: How Darwinism Influenced Hitler, Nazism, and White Nationalism. Read More ›

Darwin’s Impact on Society in Under 3 Minutes

Darwin’s theory of evolution didn’t just affect science. It had a dramatic impact on our global culture. Learn about the far-ranging consequences of Darwin’s theory for society in less than 3 minutes in this provocative video.