Real Science vs. Bill Nye the “Science Guy”
Casey Luskin reviews Bill Nye’s latest book, Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation, and finds it underwhelming when compared to another bestseller, Darwin’s Doubt. According to Luskin: “If you think Nye’s ideology is bad, wait until you see the science he uses to justify these claims.” Read more at Evolution News & Views.

Stephen Meyer Responds to Critics: Matzke Part 3
Stephen Meyer address another aspect of Nick Matzke’s critique of Darwin’s Doubt. Meyer discusses Matzke’s argument about stem groups, crown groups, and ghost lineages. Attempting to explain missing fossils, scientists using cladistics must postulate more missing fossils. For more information about Stephen Meyer, or to order his New York Times bestselling book, Darwin’s Doubt, visit www.DarwinsDoubt.com.

Meyer Responds to Critics: Matzke Part 2
Stephen Meyer address another aspect of Matzke’s critique of Darwin’s Doubt. Meyer explains the method of cladistics and tells us why it isn’t sufficient for answering the problems addressed in Darwin’s Doubt. For more information about Stephen Meyer, or to order his New York Times bestselling book, Darwin’s Doubt, visit www.DarwinsDoubt.com.

Meyer Responds to Critics: Matzke Part 1
Stephen Meyer addresses Nick Matzke’s quickly formed critique of Darwin’s Doubt. Matzke’s critique of involved the field of cladistics. Matzke claims that you can use cladistics to establish “collateral” ancestors of the forms seen in the Cambrian explosion. For more information about Darwin’s Doubt and Stephen Meyer, visit www.darwinsdoubt.com.

Meyer Responds to Critics: Marshall, Part 2
Stephen Meyer responds to another criticism by Charles Marshall of Meyer’s book, Darwin’s Doubt. Marshall argued that the rewiring of genetic regulatory networks can account for animal development and the establishment of new forms. Meyer explains that alteration of gene regulatory networks actually causes the shutting down of animal development. For more information about Stephen Meyer and his New York Read More ›

Meyer Responds to Critics: Prothero, Part 2
Stephen Meyer responds to the criticisms of Darwin’s Doubt by Donald Prothero. Meyer addresses Prothero’s argument about the length of the Cambrian Explosion. For more information, or to purchase the book, visit www.DarwinsDoubt.com.

Meyer Responds to Critics: Prothero, Part 1
Stephen Meyer responds to the criticisms of Darwin’s Doubt by Donald Prothero. Meyer addresses topics such as the Ediacaran fauna and the artifact hypothesis. For more information, or to purchase the book, visit www.DarwinsDoubt.com

Surprised by Praise
In this video, Dr. Stephen Meyer discusses the positive response he received to Darwin’s Doubt. Many prominent scientists praised his work on the Cambrian explosion. Learn more about the debate over darwinism and the growing evidence for intelligent design at www.darwinsdoubt.com.

Meyer on the Janet Mefferd Show Discussing Darwin’s Doubt
Stephen Meyer is the author of The New York Times best selling book Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the case for Intelligent Design (HarperOne, 2013). Guest host Dr. Frank Turek interviews Meyer on the Janet Mefferd show about the arguments raised in Meyer’s book. Meyer discusses the evidence present in the fossil record to affirm Darwin’s Read More ›