

The Future of 5G

Jay Richards interviews Andre Fuetsch, President of AT&T Labs and Chief Technical Officer at AT&T, about the future of 5G communications. Feutsch says that one of the great benefits of 5G will not only be faster speeds, but much lower latency. This will be a “game changer” for latency-sensitive applications such as autonomous vehicles, drones, and online gaming that require Read More ›

Photo by Thomas Jensen on Unsplash

Title II is the wrong fit for broadband

My Discovery Institute colleague George Gilder and I issued the following statement in support of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s vision for smart Internet regulation: Chairman Ajit Pai of the Federal Communications Commission is proposing to return the classification of broadband service from a Title II telecommunications service to a Title I information service, noting that capital expenditures by the the Read More ›

More bandwidth solves concerns

Net neutrality is simply a policy that forbids privately owned broadband networks from discriminating in how they provide transmission for producers of any legal content. We’ve had a successful de facto net neutrality policy in place for the better part of 20 years. So what’s all the fuss? Some believe the policy should be expanded, with the Federal Communications Commission Read More ›

Focus on Bringing Broadband to All of Florida

This article, published by The SunSentinel, mentions Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Hance Haney: A recent study by Hance Haney of the Discovery Institute found that Florida could receive an economic impact of $7.5 billion through greater broadband availability and potentially add or save 143,405 jobs. The rest of the article can be found here.

Broadband Regulation Risks Jobs

Basically everyone agrees that broadband in America has been an unequaled success story. In the past 15 years, the availability of high-speed Internet has gone from virtually nonexistent to almost universal. Consumers have seen private companies invest billions of dollars in expanding access and availability of broadband to communities throughout California and across the nation. Broadband is a central component Read More ›

Stimulate Broadband and Lower Utility Bills With Regulatory Reform

SUMMARY Incumbent telecommunications providers are facing significant competitive pressure from the voice over Internet Protocol (voice over IP) services of cable operators and from cellphones. One analysis projects that by 2012 the market share of incumbent telecommunications providers will have dwindled to 51 percent nationwide (in fact, this has already happened in some metropolitan areas). An opportunity now exists in Read More ›

More Broadband, Increased Choice and Lower Prices Begin With Regulatory Reform

SUMMARY Incumbent phone companies are facing significant competitive pressure from voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) services provided by cable operators and from wireless services. A prime example of this competitive pressure is the 2.7 million net access lines AT&T lost in the first half of 2008 nationwide. It is estimated that AT&T and Verizon are losing residential lines at a rate of Read More ›

Study Cites Need for Regulatory Reform to Promote Broadband, Consumer Choice and Lower Prices for Telecommunications Services

Washington, D.C. – Now that most consumers can choose phone service from a cable, wireless or wireline provider it is time for policymakers to rethink comprehensive regulation of incumbent phone companies, according to a report released today by the Discovery Institute. Comprehensive regulation is unnecessary to ensure quality service at reasonable rates. More importantly, it inhibits competition which can deliver Read More ›