science education

Discovering Intelligent Design Online Companion Now Available

An online companion to Discovering Intelligent Design (DID) is now available featuring short videos by co-author Casey Luskin introducing the six main units of the course and highlighting their key themes. It also includes detailed outlines and online quizzes for each chapter. Best of all, the online companion is absolutely free! Read more about DID now.

UC Irvine students decry evolution-only science, sponsor intelligent design talk

This article, published by The College Fix, mentions Casey Luskin of Discovery Institute: The Center for Science and Culture-Discovery Institute scholar Casey Luskin told the 60 or so students and professors in the audience that the vast complexities of life back intelligent design theories, and likened believing in evolution to believing a computer or car formed itself over billions of years. The rest of Read More ›

New Study Shows Major Textbook Publisher Fails to Comply With Texas State Science Standards

DALLAS – One of the nation’s leading textbook publishers fails to comply with the new science standards in Texas, according to a new report from Discovery Institute. Among materials reviewed, the Pearson / Prentice Hall curriculum stands out for its gross failure to comply with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (“TEKS”), according to a report published by Discovery Institute. Read More ›

BESE Expected to Take Up Controversial Science Instruction Act Today

This article, published by The Times-Picayune, quotes Discovery Institute Senior Fellow John West: That goes further than the Legislature intended, according to John West of the Discovery Institute, which publishes materials that discuss “strengths and weaknesses” of Darwinian theory. “The bill was silent on intelligent design,” West said. The rest of the article can be found here.


Exhuming the Peppered Mummy

A friend of mine tells me that the only things he remembers about evolution from his high school biology course are photos of black and white peppered moths resting on light and dark tree trunks. They were presented as the classic case of Darwinian evolution in action, explaining how a trait that enhances survival could be acquired through an unguided Read More ›

Ohio Activists Chided for Trying to Dumb Down Evolution Education and Censor Science

SEATTLE – “Ohio critics of intelligent design now want to dumb down the teaching of evolution by censoring out scientific evidence challenging Darwinism and that is bad for students and bad for science education,” said Casey Luskin, program officer for public policy and legal affairs with Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture. “A lot of evidence surrounding evolution isn’t typically Read More ›

Will “Santorum Language” Save Us From Scientific Fundamentalism?

One combustible controversy is raging in Ohio school districts right now. It’s over science education and, soon enough, will flare up in all fifty states. To get to the heart of it, the controversy centers on how to teach evolution – not whether to teach it, mind you, but how. It all began with the passage of the “No Child Read More ›

Inherit the Wind

You know the story, the play, the movie–all based on a piece of American history. It starts when a high school biology teacher in a small, rural American community begins teaching his classes about a theory of man’s origins that defies conventional beliefs. The teacher asks his students to examine the fossil record and draw their own conclusions. He traces Read More ›

Peppered moth (Biston betularia)

Second Thoughts about Peppered Moths

Every student of biological evolution learns about peppered moths. The dramatic increase in dark forms of this species during the industrial revolution, and experiments pointing to differential bird predation as the cause, have become the classical story of evolution by natural selection. The same careful scientific approach which established the classical story in the first place, however, has now revealed Read More ›


An Evaluation of Ten Recent Biology Textbooks And Their Use of Selected Icons of Evolution Evaluated

An evaluation of ten textbooks. In general, an "A" requires full disclosure of the truth, discussion of relevant scientific controversies, and a recognition that Darwin's theory — like all scientific theories — might have to be revised or discarded if it doesn't fit the facts. An "F" indicates that the textbook uncritically relies on logical fallacy, dogmatically treats a theory as an unquestionable fact, or blatantly misrepresents published scientific evidence. Read More ›