David Berlinski


Medved, Berlinski Take on Steven Pinker and Whig History

On this ID the Future, Human Nature author and polymath David Berlinski and radio host Michael Medved discuss everything from human depravity, the burning of Notre Dame, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine to the Big Bang and a quixotic century-old pact to ban war. Read More ›
How Evolution Uses Natural Selection

How Evolution Uses Natural Selection to Build Organisms

What is natural selection and how does evolution use it to build new organisms? The fundamental difficulty for any undirected process of evolution is being able to see into the future and determine what functions that organism will need to survive. An unguided process like natural selection is incapable of doing that. What natural selection and other undirected natural mechanisms cannot achieve however, an intelligent agent can. Philosopher of Biology Paul Nelson describes the amazing process by which the worm C. elegans is constructed and how it points toward intelligent design. Read More ›
David Berlinski on The Devil's Delusion

David Berlinski on The Devil’s Delusion

The author of The Devil’s Delusion, Dr. David Berlinski is an urban scholar with a withering wit to delight and entertain while defending religious thought against a movement of intolerance which now includes much of the scientific elite. David Berlinski proceeds reasonably and calmly to challenge recent scientific theorizing and to expose the unreason from which it presumes to criticize Read More ›

David Berlinski on Dennis Miller

Dr. David Berlinski talks about his book The Devil’s Delusion with Dennis Miller. They talk through the main predicaments that Darwin faces. Berlinski clarifies the issues by quantifying the changes that must occur for darwinian evolution to occur.

Darwin’s Dilemma Los Angeles Premiere Will Mark 150th Anniversary of Darwin’s Origin of Species with Focus on Controversy over Evolution and Intelligent Design

This article, published by the American Freedom Alliance, is about a premiere of a documentary that includes interviews from Discovery Institute Fellows including Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Stephen Meyer: Highlighting the continuing controversy over the origins of life on earth, the American Freedom Alliance will premiere “Darwin’s Dilemma: The Mystery of the Cambrian Explosion” at the California Science Center in Read More ›