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Poor homeless or refugee barefoot man sleeps on the street in the shadow of the building

Eighty Years of Homelessness Realism, 1914-1994

I've written in recent weeks about the non-sentimental view of homelessness that was common in the late nineteenth century. For much of the twentieth century, that realism carried over into academic work as well. Read More ›
The Deniable Darwin- David Berlinski and Stephen Meyer in Cambridge, UK. - title screen

Return of the God Hypothesis in Cambridge with Stephen Meyer

Stephen Meyer, bestselling author of the book Return of the God Hypothesis, discusses the rise, fall, and revival in the sciences of the belief in God as Creator, with particular reference to figures related to the University of Cambridge in England. This presentation was taped at a Discovery Institute event in Cambridge, UK in August 2024. Find out more about Read More ›

Group Of Elementary School Pupils Sitting On Floor Listening To Teacher

Blacks Need High Quality Education, Not a DEI Agenda

In K-12 education, equity is leading to a dumbing down of academic standards for black students. For example, the Los Angeles Unified School District has implemented new equity-based grading policies, rewarding A, B, and C grades not based on subject mastery, but good behavior in the classroom. Virginia’s Fairfax County Public Schools has done similarly, resulting in a decrease in D and F grades for black students that led to a 4 percent graduation rate increase. Read More ›
Time is money

Time Equality is Rapidly Increasing

Jordan Peterson’s Rule No. 4 says you should “Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.” Since we each get exactly 24 hours in a day and no one can buy time (otherwise rich people would never die), isn’t it better to compare differences in how we spend our time? Read More ›
The Deniable Darwin- David Berlinski and Stephen Meyer in Cambridge, UK. - title screen

The Deniable Darwin: David Berlinski and Stephen Meyer in Cambridge, UK.

Philosopher Stephen Meyer interviews mathematician, writer, and thinker David Berlinski about his life and provocative work, especially his sophisticated challenges to modern Darwinism. This conversation was filmed at a Discovery Institute event in Cambridge, England in August 2024. For more information about David Berlinski, visit For more information about Stephen Meyer, go to