

Fiction and Conviction

The Wall Street Journal stated, “Robert Harris is incapable of writing an unenjoyable book,” and that’s true in the present tense. Harris is in line to hit 70 in 2027 and at some point his skills will diminish, but now… wow, this former journalist with a love of history knows how to write, as his two most recent novels (both Read More ›

Big group of people having fun in success victory and happy pose with raised arms on mountain top against sunset lakes and mountains. Generative AI.

A Winning Strategy

Discovery Institute’s American Center for Transforming Education has been on the front lines advancing education freedom with a winning strategy and is looked to as a national thought leader on K-12 education policy. Read More ›
Poor homeless or refugee barefoot man sleeps on the street in the shadow of the building

Eighty Years of Homelessness Realism, 1914-1994

I've written in recent weeks about the non-sentimental view of homelessness that was common in the late nineteenth century. For much of the twentieth century, that realism carried over into academic work as well. Read More ›
Group Of Elementary School Pupils Sitting On Floor Listening To Teacher

Blacks Need High Quality Education, Not a DEI Agenda

In K-12 education, equity is leading to a dumbing down of academic standards for black students. For example, the Los Angeles Unified School District has implemented new equity-based grading policies, rewarding A, B, and C grades not based on subject mastery, but good behavior in the classroom. Virginia’s Fairfax County Public Schools has done similarly, resulting in a decrease in D and F grades for black students that led to a 4 percent graduation rate increase. Read More ›
Time is money

Time Equality is Rapidly Increasing

Jordan Peterson’s Rule No. 4 says you should “Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.” Since we each get exactly 24 hours in a day and no one can buy time (otherwise rich people would never die), isn’t it better to compare differences in how we spend our time? Read More ›
A university lecture hall filled with students attentively listening to the professor, who is using a digital presentation to explain a complex topic, highlighting the traditional higher education

Universities Need to Stop Coddling Students with Canceled Classes

As just the latest example of elite universities coddling students, classes were canceled following the election result of Donald Trump’s victory, allowing students time and space to cope. It’s no wonder many employers are devaluing college “educated” job candidates. Read More ›
jewish holiday Chanukah/Hanukkah family selebration. Jewish festival of lights. Children lighting candles on traditional menorah over glitter shiny background

The Rarity of Homelessness in Judaism

Christmas Eve this year is also the beginning of Hanukkah, an eight-day Jewish festival — and Jews are less likely to be homeless than non-Jewish Americans. That's not a new phenomenon. Between 1880 and 1914, about 1.5 million Jews (including my grandparents) emigrated from czarist Russia to North America. They lived apart from the mainly Christian charity networks, yet observers at the time noted very little Jewish homelessness. Why? Read More ›
Sunrise at the national mall

Time to Pull the Plug on the Department of Education

Whether ecstatic or demoralized about the recent election, Americans should all welcome a fresh review of how the federal government carries out its work. For too long, the massive federal bureaucracy has been allowed to grow while becoming less and less efficient in how it spends tax dollars. Read More ›