
Candaian Healthcare System

Canada’s Euthanasia Horrors Are Accelerating

The horrors unleashed by Canada’s legalizing euthanasia are growing increasingly clear. Case after case of vulnerable people being killed instead of cared for have now been reported. More than 15,000 Canadians are euthanized annually. Some are even asking to die because they can’t access proper care in Canada’s socialized system, or out of loneliness as much as illness. Read More ›
A piggy bank placed on a solar panel at sunset, symbolizing savings through renewable energy, sustainability, and eco-friendly investments.

Staggering Cost of a Wind and Solar Future in the Pacific Northwest

Some academics claim that the U.S. can end reliance on fossil fuels by electrifying most everything — cars, trucks, space and water heat, etc. — and supply the needed electricity solely with wind, solar and hydroelectric energy, without increasing costs. But our study of the cost of doing so just for Oregon and Washington state shows this belief to be a fantasy. Read More ›
Israel and Ukraine official flag transborder contract UKR ISR

Israel’s Coming Attack Will Also Assist Ukraine

The next battle in the Middle East may be played out in the skies above Iran. The outcome obviously is meant to help Israel, but may well assist Ukraine, too. If "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," Israel and Ukraine are friends already, and even quiet allies. Read More ›
Male isolated homeless wearing a brown hat sitting on the pedestrian.
Image Credit: Олександр Цимбалюк - Adobe Stock

“Homelessness in America”: Stephen Eide’s Eye on Reality

My third and last book to recommend this month is Stephen Eide’s Homelessness in America: The History and Tragedy of an Intractable Social Problem (Rowman & Littlefield, 2022). Read More ›
Seattle overregulation-7

Washington Law Unfairly Keeps Prior Evictions Off Tenant Screenings

When it comes to tenant’s rights laws, good intentions don’t always lead to good or fair outcomes. One example is a Washington State law that allows tenants to keep their eviction from being disclosed to future housing providers. The state allows an order of limited dissemination (OLD) to be filed for eviction cases to prevent housing providers from denying tenants Read More ›

Scientist holding a lab mouse, evaluating her condition prior to running some tests and inoculation the animal with a virus

We Can’t Let “Experts” Decide the Morality of Making “Humanized Animals”

Bioethics is a utilitarianish social-political movement whose primary advocates are usually philosophers, lawyers, and/or doctors. Mainstream bioethicists (unless they have a modifier in front of the identifier, such as “Catholic”) generally push against human exceptionalism — a concept many view as “speciesism” — and promote Tower of Babel–like experiments that push us toward an almost-anything-goes research ethic. Read More ›
education and school concept little student girl studying at school

School Choice Creates Enormous Savings for a State

Democrat lawmakers employ fear tactics claiming school choice will bankrupt their states. It’s a massive lie, and they know it. As a recent Wall Street Journal report notes, school choice programs provide enormous savings for a state’s budget — savings to the tunes of millions of dollars each year. Read More ›
The excitement and anticipation of a brewing hurricane

Hurricanes, Climate Change, and Statistical Sleight-of-Hand

Doomsayers wasted no time identifying the destruction wrought by Hurricanes Helene and Milton as “proof” of climate change. It is the latest example of an increasingly common phenomenon: attributing individual weather events — a flood in Vermont, a heatwave in the Pacific Northwest, a cold snap in Texas, and many others — to climate change. Read More ›
Tax Concept: Stacks of Coins Symbolize

Now Let’s Get Rid of the Income Tax

Presidential Candidate Donald Trump recently floated the idea of getting rid of the Income Tax completely. I think this is a great idea — and so did the Founders themselves, who effectively barred Direct Taxes in the Constitution, including the Income Tax, until it was legalized in the Sixteenth Amendment of 1913. Before 1913, there was no Income Tax in the United States. Read More ›