
Laura Ingraham Wesley Smith 9-20-22

Wesley J. Smith Discusses Biotechnology with Laura Ingraham

Discovery Institute Senior Fellow sat down with Laura Ingraham to explain how Biotechnology, an incredible scientific achievement, can also be used for pernicious purposes. For example, it could used for human cloning research or creating synthetic human embryos, or as means for the Biden administration to seize farm land.


Science Uprising 10: Artificial Intelligence

Are you going to be replaced by a machine? Could a robot really be curious? Or experience love? Could a computer plot evil? Some really smart people think machines will achieve not just human but super human consciousness. Oxford professor of mathematics John Lennox and Baylor University computer engineer Robert J. Marks disagree. Read More ›

Hope Camping Out in Spokane

Surrounded by vast farmland and enjoying majestic sunsets, Spokane is the largest city in Eastern Washington. It’s home to Gonzaga University, an abundance of outdoor activities, and the population is booming — including at a place called, “Camp Hope.”  Read More ›
Scientism is Unbelievable by Michael Newton Keas

Scientism Is Unbelievable

Historian of science Michael Keas critiques the idea of “scientism,” the claim that only science (not religion) is reasonable. He explains how this idea is based on fake stories about Christianity being at war with science in history. According to Keas, scientism also ignores evidence of how Christianity actually stimulated the growth of science. This presentation was taped at the Read More ›

Seattle's Unending Drug Crisis

Seattle’s Unending Drug Crisis

In this great American city, blessed with enormous wealth and natural beauty, a drug crisis is exploding on its streets. Along 3rd Avenue, against the backdrop of Pike Place Market in Seattle’s downtown core, the addicts smoke and inject all kinds of substances in plain sight. Read More ›