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Airline Safety

If you boarded an airplane and had some concern about it being hijacked, would you be more concerned about an older woman with a sewing kit, or a young man in casual clothing with no visible carry-on items as a fellow passenger? If you answered the young man, you are being rational rather than an anti-young-man bigot. Older women are Read More ›

PBS’s ‘Evolution’ series is propaganda, not science

“It is absolutely safe to say that, if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I’d rather not consider that).” Leading Darwinist Richard Dawkins The wicked and insane will presumably have to fend for themselves, but for the rest of us, PBS has undertaken a massive new Read More ›

‘The Left Coast’ Deserves Expanded Amtrak Service

A trip down to Portland on Amtrak’s comfortable Cascades train leaves you relaxed and ready to enjoy tales of woe from those who have dealt with airport security or traffic on Interstate 5. As well, riding the rails gives passengers time to reflect on a trio of topics: how we deal with Northwest growth, the Mickey Mouse aspects to the Read More ›

Evolution for the masses

America is the most scientifically advanced nation on Earth, yet a majority of its citizens reject Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. Gallup polls have shown that about 45 percent of Americans believe God created living things in their present form a few thousand years ago; about 40 percent believe that things evolved over a long time with God’s guidance; while Read More ›

Darwinian Struggle

(For orignal online text click here) Poor Charles Darwin. He was a kind, gentle soul–decent to a fault, some have said–yet he keeps getting cast as the Antichrist. The latest equation of Darwinism with godlessness comes in Ohio, where some members of the state school board want to downgrade the theory of natural selection in the biology curriculum guidelines. If Read More ›

Taking Action

Drs. Glueck & Cihak,, subtitle: , NULL Read More ›

Getting the Facts Straight

Accuracy and objectivity are what we should expect in a television documentary – especially in a science documentary on a publicly-funded network. But the PBS Evolution series falls far short of meeting these basic standards. It distorts the scientific evidence, ignores scientific disagreements over Darwin’s theory, and misrepresents the theory’s critics. The series also displays a sharply biased view of Read More ›


Philip Gold, The Washington Times, subtitle: The War of the Ways, NULL Read More ›

Jihadistan Part II: Defending Against It

In our last episode, we considered the problem of “Jihadistan” – the violent, expansionist Islamic fundamentalism that has created an “arc of terror” from North Africa through the Middle East and Central Asia to the Philippines and Indonesia, and which is now firmly established in Europe and North America. This session, what to do about it. Six items here. First Read More ›