Intelligent Design

The Center for Science and Culture


Intelligent Design Education Day — Richmond

ID Education Day offers home and private school students and educators a chance to meet and hear from some of the leading scientists and scholars in the ID movement. Just as importantly, it’s a chance for these high school students to experience true academic freedom — where established theories are still open for critique based on new scientific discoveries, and new theories are given a fair hearing in their place. Read More ›

Dallas Conference on Science and Faith

Tackle hard questions head-on at the upcoming Dallas Conference on Science and Faith on January 18-19, 2019. Held on the campus of Park Cities Baptist Church, the conference will explore exciting scientific discoveries about the origin and fine-tuning of the universe, the origin of the first life, and the origin and development of complex life. The conference opens on Friday evening (7:30-9:00 pm) with a Socrates in the City interview between Eric Metaxas and Stephen Meyer, and continues on Saturday (8:45 am-4:15 pm) with a full day of sessions and additional speakers. Read More ›

Zombie Science National Book Party

Join us for the national launch of biologist Jonathan Wells’ new book Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution at the renowned Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle on April 18. Listen to Dr. Wells speak about his new book, engage in Q and A, and be one of the first people to get a personally signed copy of the book. More Read More ›


Westminster Conference on Science and Faith

According to a recent survey, more than 7 in 10 atheists and nearly 4 in 10 agnostics agree with evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins that the universe looks as if it were produced by “blind, pitiless indifference.” Yet according to a growing number of scientists, discoveries in biology, physics, mathematics, and related fields provide convincing evidence that life was intelligently designed Read More ›

Walt Disney: An American Conservative in Hollywood

On Wednesday, March 22, you are invited to hear CSC Associate Director John G. West speak on an often overlooked but important chapter in Disney cinematic history: the political and moral themes expressed in Walt Disney’s live-action films and television shows. Although Hollywood today is known for its political and social liberalism, Walt Disney was an unrepentant conservative, and his Read More ›


The Pensmore Dialogue on Science & Faith

The Pensmore Dialogue on Science and Faith at College of the Ozarks will create an opportunity for the College of the Ozarks community and the broader region to consider the harmony and integration between the Judeo-Christian faith and modern science. The theme of the conference is Life and the Universe: How Did It All Begin? The conference will feature Dr. Read More ›

Scientism in the Age of Obama and Beyond

Is technocracy about to supplant democracy in the US? Is America entering an era of “totalitarian science”? Join us as political scientist John G. West discusses the expanded paperback edition of his book Darwin Day in America, describing the growing misuse of science during the Obama years to curtail basic freedoms, erode time-honored ethics, and circumvent democratic accountability. The abuse Read More ›

Signature in the Cell Book Release Party

Book release party for Signature in the Cell 7pm, July 21st at Plestcheeff Auditorium at the Seattle Art Museum. REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED, BUT WE HAVE SPACE FOR UP TO 50 PEOPLE AT THE DOOR ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASISDoors open at 6:30pm for Walk-ins In Signature in the Cell (HarperOne, June 23rd), CSC Director Stephen Meyer presents Read More ›

The Creation Conversation: Darwin or Intelligent Design?

Do you have questions about creation and intelligent design? Get better equipped to answer commonly asked questions on this subject by joining us Sunday, April 19 as Watermark Community Church and the Discovery Institute host a panel discussion led by Dr. Stephen Meyer and Dr. Michael Behe. This will be an interactive session exploring both intelligent design and the implications Read More ›


Foresight: How the Chemistry of Life Reveals Planning and Purpose

In his extraordinary new book, Foresight: How the Chemistry of Life Reveals Planning and Purpose, renowned Brazilian chemist Marcos Eberlin explores a gold rush of recent scientific discoveries that pose a grave challenge to modern evolutionary theory. Drawing on his expertise as former president of the International Mass Spectrometry Foundation, Dr. Eberlin uncovers a myriad of artful solutions to major engineering challenges in Read More ›