Discovery Institute

Westminster Design and Designer

Design & Designer: The Convergence of Science & Theology

Given enough time, can bacteria mutate into insects by chance? Can random mutations account for the existence of butterflies and whales and platypuses? What about the origin of the universe or the origin of man's ability to reason? Come and hear scientists and scholars discuss the limitations of chance and the abundant testimonies to design, as they come to realization from physics to proteins. Read More ›

Topoisomerase Webinar with Joe Deweese

Topoisomerase II is an extremely important enzyme in your cells that is designed to untangle knots and supercoils in DNA strands that arise during replication and transcription. It does this by grabbing two tangled DNA segments, holding one steady while it breaks the other segment in two, and then passing the first segment through the break. The second segment is Read More ›

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Darwinian Racism Webinar with Author Richard Weikart

According to historians and scientists alike, Adolf Hitler was a Christian creationist who rejected Darwinian evolution. Award-winning historian Richard Weikart says otherwise. According to Weikart, Darwinian evolution crucially influenced Hitler and the Nazis. The Nazis zealously propagated evolutionary theory during the Third Reich. ​​​​Inspired by arguments from both Darwin and early Darwinists, the Nazis viewed the “Nordic race” as superior to other Read More ›

Dallas Conference on Science and Faith 2022

Dallas Conference on Science & Faith

How has Christianity contributed to the rise of modern science? What do the latest scientific discoveries tell us about the existence of God? Explore these questions, and more, at Discovery Institute's 4th-annual Dallas Conference on Science & Faith. Read More ›
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2021 ACES Annual Membership Meeting

Creating Collaboration and Connecting Communities In 2022, the ACES Northwest Network will celebrate five years of growth! As we look back on our collaborative efforts, we want to be ready for the future of connections. The accelerated rollout of electric vehicles for deliveries and freight is matched only by the dramatic recovery of shared ride services, proof that the ACES …

LSS Origin of Life pt. 2

YouTube Premiere of “Long Story Short” Episode on the Origin of Life — Part 2: Polymerization

It’s finally here — part 2 of Long Story Short’s Origin of Life series! In this upcoming episode, the extraordinary process of polymerization will be exposed for what it really is — an incredibly complex system indispensable to all life. What explanations have been offered from a Darwinian framework regarding the origin of this process? Have they missed some crucial Read More ›

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A Reasonable Faith in an Uncertain World

Discovery Institute is pleased to announce that our friends at Biola University and the Evangelical Philosophical Society are hosting an apologetics conference which will include speakers from Discovery Institute, such as William Dembski, John Bloom, J. P. Moreland, and William Lane Craig. Here is a message from the organizers: The annual EPS Apologetics Conference is back! Join us for the Read More ›