
AI robot dressed in priest's robes, preaching in a church. This futuristic scene combines traditional religious settings with advanced technology

No Foundational Evidence for Creating an AI God

Some in the artificial intelligence tech industry believe they are "creating God," according to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg in a recent interview. And he is right. Many pursuing AI advances are trying to create God or believe humans can achieve a godlike status through technology. Read More ›
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Hinduism, Reincarnation, and the Mind-Body Problem

Arjuna Gallagher is the host of the YouTube Channel called Theology Unleashed and a Hindu. He discusses Hinduism, reincarnation, karma, and other religious subjects as they pertain to the relationship between the mind and the body with Michael Egnor. Read More ›
Book cover of The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith
Book cover of The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith

The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith

Science and faith are often presented as mutually exclusive, when in reality the scientific evidence provides powerful evidence that life and the universe were designed. The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith: Exploring the Ultimate Questions About Life and the Cosmos features more than 40 entries authored by over 30 qualified experts. Read More ›
The Patristic Understanding of Creation

The Patristic Understanding of Creation

The Patristic Understanding of Creation encapsulates what the Church Fathers had to say, in their own words, on the topic of creation. Going back to Roman and Byzantine times, the writings of the Church Fathers are basic to Christian theology and provide a benchmark for how Christians have traditionally understood creation. This understanding of creation, however, faces tremendous challenges in Read More ›

Book cover of Money, Greed, and God by Jay W. Richards

Money, Greed, and God

A prominent scholar reveals the surprising ways that capitalism is actually the best way to follow Jesus’s mandates to alleviate poverty and protect our earth. Christianity generally sees capitalism as either bad because it causes much of the world’s suffering, or good because God wants you to prosper and be rich. But there is a large, growing audience of evangelical Read More ›

Richard Weikart on Great Minds with Michael Medved

Richard Weikart on Hitler’s Religion

Adolf Hitler is long dead. Nevertheless, his name is still invoked every day as a rhetorical smear. By drawing usually dubious connections to Hitler and the Holocaust, partisans charge their opponents with guilt by association. This unfortunate cultural twitch has even been canonized as Godwin’s Law or reductio ad Hitlerum. At the top of the list, Hitler’s supposed Catholicism is often used as a smear against Christianity. But was Hitler a Christian? When you get down to the bottom of it, what’s the truth? Was Hitler in any meaningful sense a “Christian”? The author of Hitler’s Religion, Richard Weikart knows more about the answer to this question than just about anyone.

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Does Atheism Poison Everything? Debate

In front of a sold-out crowd of 1,200 in Birmingham, Alabama, Christopher Hitchens, famed atheist and author of “God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything,” debates Dr. David Berlinski, Paris mathematician and author of “The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions.” Hitchens and others of the New Atheism movement have called for the annihilation of religion in order Read More ›