

What Is Theistic Evolution?

The debate about biological origins continues to be hotly contested within the Christian church. Prominent organizations such as Biologos (USA) and Faraday Institute (UK) insist that Christians must yield to an unassailable scientific consensus in favor of contemporary evolutionary theory and modify traditional biblical ideas about the creation of life accordingly. They promote a view known as “theistic evolution” or Read More ›

Egnor - Will Machines
Why Machines Will Never Think

Neurosurgeon Michael Egnor: Why Machines Will Never Think

At the official launch of the Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence, July 11, 2018, neurosurgeon Michael Egnor offered some thoughts on artificial vs. natural intelligence. He sends us this piece, further developing some of his ideas: A cornerstone of the development of artificial intelligence is the pervasive assumption that machines can, or will, think. Watson, a question-answering computer, beats Read More ›


Will the Machines Take Over?

(Note: Suboptimal audio resolves after the first minute.) “Will the Machines Take Over? Human Uniqueness in the Age of Smart Machines” an event celebrating the launch of Discovery Institute’s new Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence. Physicist Stephen Hawking warned humanity that “the development of artificial intelligence (AI) could spell the end of the human race… Humans, who are Read More ›


Human Computers and Robot Sex

There are some definite “Stop the world, I want to get off” moments in the new Great Minds with Michael Medved podcast from Discovery Institute. Michael talks with economist Jay Richards about the future of “smart machines,” including sex robots. Dr. Richards, author of the new book The Human Advantage: The Future of American Work in an Age of Smart Read More ›

Great Minds- Richards and Medved on Sex Robots and the Future “Smart Machine” Dystopia

Great Minds: Richards and Medved on Sex Robots and the Future “Smart Machine” Dystopia

On the new Great Minds with Michael Medved podcast, Michael talks with economist and philosopher Jay Richards about the future of “smart machines,” including sex robots. Dr. Richards, author of the new book The Human Advantage: The Future of American Work in an Age of Smart Machines, offers a balanced view of what the future holds.

Religious Robots and Free Americans

Religious Robots and Free Americans

Of his many specialties, in this episode Michael inquires into David Gelernter’s professional preoccupation: artificial intelligence. Gelernter recalls the pioneering role of his father, warns of the perils of letting children be captive to flickering screens, and remarks on whether AI robots can be spiritual seekers. Gelernter also emphasizes the key role of the Judeo-Christian Western tradition in creating a free and idealistic context in which technology is primed to explode. Read More ›

Great Minds Medved and Gelernter on Human Exceptionalism American Exceptionalism

Great Minds: Medved and Gelernter on Human Exceptionalism, American Exceptionalism

The human mind is exceptional in the universe as the United States is exceptional on the face of the Earth. On this episode of Great Minds Michael is joined by the great polymathic Yale computer scientist David Gelernter for a discussion about computers, the human mind, and American exceptionalism.


Does Atheism Poison Everything? Debate

In front of a sold-out crowd of 1,200 in Birmingham, Alabama, Christopher Hitchens, famed atheist and author of “God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything,” debates Dr. David Berlinski, Paris mathematician and author of “The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions.” Hitchens and others of the New Atheism movement have called for the annihilation of religion in order Read More ›