Is There Enough Time For Humans to have Evolved from Apes? Dr. Ann Gauger Answers
Ann Gauger is Senior Research Scientist at Biologic Institute. She received her Ph.D. in developmental biology from the University of Washington and was a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard University.
Read More ›Biologist Douglas Axe on evolution’s ability to produce new functions
Douglas Axe is Director of Biologic Institute and received his Ph.D. from Caltech. He previously held postdoctoral and research scientist positions at Cambridge University and the Barbraham Institute in Cambridge. He is a co-author of Science & Human Origins. Read More ›
Douglas Axe co-author of Science & Human Origins
Apes can’t read, so why can we? Does science show we’re related to apes, or is the evolutionary tale of common ancestry false?
Science & Human Origins, the provocative new book from Discovery Institute Press, boldly addresses some of the most popular evolutionary arguments pertaining to controversial claims that humans and apes are related through common ancestry. Read More ›
Dr. Michael Denton on Evidence of Fine-Tuning in the Universe
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin sits down with Dr. Michael Denton, a Senior Fellow of the CSC who holds a Ph.D. in Biochemistry. Denton is the author of Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, which has been credited with influencing both Phillip Johnson and Michael Behe, as well as Nature’s Destiny: How the Laws of Biology Reveal Purpose in the Universe, which elaborates on the evidence of design in nature. Read More ›

Stephen Meyer on Intelligent Design and the Age of the Earth
Stephen Meyer suggests that while the age of the earth is a perfectly interesting issue, it is nonetheless a tertiary one in our time. In view of how toxic the discussion about this question has become in Christian circles, he explains the intelligent design movement’s commitment to ensuring it does not become in Phillip Johnson’s words, a casus belli. These Read More ›

David Berlinski on The Devil’s Delusion with Eric Metaxas
Eric Metaxas and Socrates in the City present an evening with Dr. David Berlinski at the Union League Club in New York City on June 12, 2012.

Blaine train station campaign gathers steam
Bruce Agnew, Marvin Hunt, Grant Meyer, and Bill Becht give statistics and tell of the benefits of building up the Blaine train station. http://www.peacearchnews.com

Concluding Remarks & Next Steps
Bruce Agnew, Director of the Cascadia Center at the Discovery Institute, summarizes the beneficial points of the ferry roundtable discussion. He tells what he will do next with the information gathered and what others ought to do as well.
Bremerton-Seattle Demonstration Project Update
John Clauson, Executive Director of Kitsap Transit, gives the status update on their new boat, Bainbridge Passage 1, and tells us the future plans as well as past history. Read More ›