Discovery Institute


Foresight: How the Chemistry of Life Reveals Planning and Purpose

In his extraordinary new book, Foresight: How the Chemistry of Life Reveals Planning and Purpose, renowned Brazilian chemist Marcos Eberlin explores a gold rush of recent scientific discoveries that pose a grave challenge to modern evolutionary theory. Read More ›

Foresight: How the Chemistry of Life Reveals Planning and Purpose

In his extraordinary new book, Foresight: How the Chemistry of Life Reveals Planning and Purpose, renowned Brazilian chemist Marcos Eberlin explores a gold rush of recent scientific discoveries that pose a grave challenge to modern evolutionary theory. Read More ›

Reasons 2019

Do you ever have the feeling that science conflicts with faith? Well, you are not alone. 59% of American adults believe "science and religion are often in conflict". But what if there is another perspective? What if the discoveries of science in fact support the existence of and belief in God? Read More ›

The Darwinian Roots of the Devaluation of Life

Ideas have consequences, and Charles Darwin’s idea that life developed through an unguided material process has had momentous consequences for both human thought and public policy. In this talk, award-winning author and filmmaker John G. West will discuss how Darwinian biology played a pivotal role in the development of eugenics, scientific racism, abortion, and other anti-life practices during the past century-and-a-half. He Read More ›

Science and Faith CSC Homepage Banner

Darwin Devolves: The Failure of Chance

Given enough time, can bacteria mutate into insects by chance? Can random mutations account for the existence of butterflies and whales and platypuses? What about the origin of the universe or the origin of man's ability to reason? Come and hear scientists and scholars discuss the limitations of chance and the abundant testimonies to design, as they come to realization from physics to proteins. Read More ›

Intelligent Design Education Day – Seattle

Now offered for the fourth year in a row in Seattle, WA, we invite you and your students to our Intelligent Design Education Day, hosted by Discovery Institute on Wednesday, March 20. This is a special opportunity for private school teachers, home educators, and parents to bring students on a day-long field trip event to learn more about intelligent design and interact with leading scientists and scholars in the ID movement. At the end of each session, students will be given a chance to ask questions of the speakers. Read More ›

Homelessness in Seattle

People in Seattle are well aware of the magnitude of the homeless problem. City leaders insist that more funding is needed to tackle this issue, but is money really the barrier to progress? Documentary filmmaker Christopher Rufo has conducted extensive research on the issues of poverty and homelessness in Seattle and around the country. Rather than just throwing money at Read More ›