- Date
- Apr092019Jan011970
- April
- 04
- Apr
- 9
- 09
- 2019
The Darwinian Roots of the Devaluation of Life
Featuring Dr. John West, Vice President of Discovery InstituteIdeas have consequences, and Charles Darwin’s idea that life developed through an unguided material process has had momentous consequences for both human thought and public policy. In this talk, award-winning author and filmmaker John G. West will discuss how Darwinian biology played a pivotal role in the development of eugenics, scientific racism, abortion, and other anti-life practices during the past century-and-a-half. He will also discuss current efforts to suppress the Darwinian roots of the devaluation of life–and why telling the true history of Darwinian social policy matters.
April 9, 2019, 7:00 PM
Greenville ARP Church
741 Cleveland St., Greenville, SC 29601
For questions, contact Noel Brownlee at brownlee@erskine.edu.