

School’s Out

A radical formula for cutting through the bureaucracy of the traditional education system proposes the implementation of technologically innovative media as learning tools and privatization of schools to introduce competitiveness. Editorial Reviews From Publishers Weekly Are school systems, classrooms and teachers obsolete? No less so than the horse was with the coming of the automobile age, argues Perelman, a senior Read More ›


Darwin On Trial

Darwin on Trial was responsible for alerting many among the public and in the scientific community to the deficiencies of Darwinism. UC Berkeley Law Professor and Program Advisor for Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, Phillip E. Johnson applies his skills as an analyzer of evidence to ask if Darwin’s theory holds up to scrutiny. Johnson begins by recognizing Read More ›


Inventing the Flat Earth

Neither Christopher Columbus nor his contemporaries thought the earth was flat. Yet this curious illusion persists today, firmly established with the help of the media, textbooks, teachers ― even noted historians. Inventing the Flat Earthis Russell’s attempt to set the record straight. He begins with a discussion of geographical knowledge in the Middle Ages, examining what Columbus and his contemporaries actually Read More ›



George Gilder’s Microcosm is the crystal ball of the next technological era. Leading scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs provide vivid accounts of the latest inventions, revealing how the new international balance of power really lies in information technology. Ranging from computer chips to the greatest minds of Silicon Valley, George Gilder explores every aspect of today’s unprecedented technological and entrepreneurial revolution. Microcosm contains Read More ›


The Natural Limits to Biological Change

This study is a careful and refreshing evaluation of the long-held views of Darwinism and Neo-Darwinism and the views of those who consider “punctuated equilibrium” to be the best explanation of the existing world of living beings. Darwinists and Neo-Darwinists hold that organisms are able to respond to only minor fluctuations in their environment. This view has come under increasing Read More ›


Yellow & Pink

On a fine day, a thin yellow puppet and a round, pink puppet sit in the sun. They wonder where they came from. Were they an accident of nature, brought about by a series of possible but improbable events? Did someone create them? They discuss their theories, and think they may have an answer. But just as they settle on Read More ›


Men and Marriage (1st Edition)

Men and Marriage is a critical commentary that asks the burning question, How can society survive the pervasive disintegration of the family? A profound crisis faces modern social order as traditional family relationships become almost unrecognizable. George Gilder's Men and Marriage is a revised and expanded edition of his 1973 landmark work, Sexual Suicide. He examines the deterioration of the family, the well-defined sex roles it offered, and how this change has shifted the focus of our society. Read More ›
Life After Television by George Gilder
Life After Television by George Gilder

Life After Television

In his visionary new book George Gilder brilliantly and persuasively outlines the sweeping new developments in computer and fiber optic technology that spell certain death to traditional television and telephony. In their places, he argues, will emerge a new paradigm in which people-to-people communications give way to links among computers to be found in every home and office. The rise Read More ›

They Party that Lost Its Head by George Gilder and Bruce Chapman

The Party That Lost Its Head

In a candid, hard-hitting book that will provoke both anger and thoughtful consideration, two young Republicans have written the first thorough study of the real problems that face the party. A lively, inside account of the GOP’s warring factions and contesting personalities, The Party That Lost Its Head also advances a comprehensive program for its revival. George F. Gilder and Read More ›