

Darwin’s Deadly Legacy

Even though secularists assail the theory of intelligent design and have successfully managed to bar the mention of creation science in public schools, the reality is that evolution is now being taught as dogma all across our educational system. Evolution is the accepted default position and scientific objections to it are silenced and swept under the rug, not only in Read More ›

Stand Up For Science Radio Commercial #2

As the debate over how to teach evolution continues, two new radio commercials promoting and the online petition to “Stand up for Science, Stand up for Kansas” will air this weekend across Kansas. This commercial features Kansas public school science teacher Jill Gonzalez Bravo.

Stand Up For Science Radio Commercial #1

As the debate over how to teach evolution continues, two new radio commercials promoting and the online petition to “Stand up for Science, Stand up for Kansas” will air this weekend across Kansas. This commercial features molecular biologist Jonathan Wells.


Irreducible Complexity

Using examples of bacterial motors, cilia, vision, cellular transport, and more, Dr. Michael Behe explains why Darwinian gradualism fails to explain the origin of molecular machines. Through the incorporation of computer animations, this video brings Dr. Behe’s book, Darwin’s Black Box, to life.


Darwinism: Scientific Inference or Philosophical Preference

A session from a 1992 symposium called Darwinism: Scientific Inference or Philosophical Preference, recorded by the Foundation for Thought and Ethics, featuring Michael Ruse and Stephen Meyer.