Stephen Meyer Gets Animated in New PragerU Video
Like Him or Not, Trump is Uniquely Suited for Such a Time as This
Raising Taxes on Ride Sharing Harms the Public
Call it a head tax on wheels. The recently announced plan to triple the Seattle city taxes on all ride-share trips — to 75 cents from 24 cents, which would create the highest flat ride-share tax in the U.S. — is out of the same playbook that brought us the 2017-18 tax on jobs. It would hurt working people and Read More ›
Congress Should Pass the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act
‘New Left Urbanists’ Want to Remake Your City
Woodstock 50 Years Later: An Eyewitness Account
Madness and Society
COSM 2019
The COSM Conference is a premier national summit on the converging future of technology. Held in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, COSM highlights the interplay between global innovations and the pullulating Seattle scene of some of the world’s leading tech companies confronting the fastest moving opportunities. Focusing on the “systems of the world” competing to shape our economy and society, the mission of the conference Read More ›