Stephen Meyer Interviewed on Ben Shapiro’s “Sunday Special”
View at YouTubeDr. Stephen Meyer was Ben Shapiro’s most recent guest on Shapiro’s ‘Sunday Special’ podcast. The two sat down for a scintillating discussion on philosophy, the origins of life, the overlap of science and religion, and much more!
- 1:34 | You talk about Evolution, what is your Scientific background?
- 2:39 | What is the difference between Intelligent Design and Creationism? — One starts from inference and posits a long history of the universe, — Creationism starts from scripture and posits a shorter history of the universe
- 3:36 | How Is Intelligent Design a Scientific Theory?
- 6:10 | What evidence would have to arise to make Intelligent Design Falsifiable?
- 7:26 | Is religion separate from science or intertwined within it?
- 8:47 | Beginning, Overlapping areas of interest
- 10:45 | What does the theory of Evolution say? and What in it is an argument gone too far?
- 13:15 | Where is the discontinuity with the establishment of life?
- 15:42 | Information Theory? Why does this theory support Intelligent Design? \ Coding. Order/Sequence.
- 18:57 | It’s information theory + functionality
- 19:45 | Creation by Chance? By probability? – Software Coding dispels this idea
- 25:05 | Cause and effect
- 27:22 | Species becoming another?
- 28:27 | Pre-programmed adaptive capacity
- 29:25 | The Origin of Life Miller-Urey Experiment
- 32:00 | RNA World Thesis (Information Storage and Catalyze) where is the information coming from? The intelligent chemist
- 34:56 | Blowback
- 37:16 | Methodological Naturalism
- 40:43 | Thomas Nagel
- 42:06 | They would have to say mind is an illusion too, and that is just silly
- 43:07 | The Legal System presupposes Responsibility
- 44:53 | Learn about Strengths and Weaknesses
- 47:37 | Is the Intelligent Designer … God?
- 50:53 | Language, readable vs gibberish
- 53:28 | A Problem With The Multiverse
- 55:42 | Infinite World (Eastern Philosophy)
Hat tip to YouTube user Michael Pisciarino for these show notes.