
Relation to Previous Work

Being as Communion in Relation to Previous Work

In this clip, William Dembski describes how his new book Being as Communion fits with the other books he has written. In Being as Communion Dembski creates a metaphysical backdrop or worldview that challenges the traditional materialistic framework, therefore adding context to his previous work.


The Meaning of Information

In this clip, Dr. Dembski discusses the meaning of information. Dembski defines information as the “ruling out of possibilities.” By ruling a range of possibilities, you learn something. You can do science with this because you can start applying probabilities and measuring information.


A Fact Most People Don’t Know About William Dembski

In this clip we learn that Dr. William Dembski received his high school diploma after having received his PhD. Watch the video to hear the story. To Learn more about William Dembski, or his new book Being As Communion, visit

Stephen Meyer Responds to Critics: Matzke

Stephen Meyer Responds to Critics: Matzke Part 3

Stephen Meyer address another aspect of Nick Matzke’s critique of Darwin’s Doubt. Meyer discusses Matzke’s argument about stem groups, crown groups, and ghost lineages. Attempting to explain missing fossils, scientists using cladistics must postulate more missing fossils. For more information about Stephen Meyer, or to order his New York Times bestselling book, Darwin’s Doubt, visit

Stephen Meyer Conversations about Darwin's Doubt

Meyer Responds to Critics: Matzke Part 2

Stephen Meyer address another aspect of Matzke’s critique of Darwin’s Doubt. Meyer explains the method of cladistics and tells us why it isn’t sufficient for answering the problems addressed in Darwin’s Doubt. For more information about Stephen Meyer, or to order his New York Times bestselling book, Darwin’s Doubt, visit


The Biology of the Second Reich

This award-winning 14-minute documentary tells the little-known story of the influence of Social Darwinism on German militarism leading up to World War 1, including an exploration of the German military’s genocidal policies in Southwest Africa (modern Namibia). The video features the work of California State University historian Richard Weikart, author of the book From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, Read More ›

Stephen Meyer Responds to Critics: Matzke

Meyer Responds to Critics: Matzke Part 1

Stephen Meyer addresses Nick Matzke’s quickly formed critique of Darwin’s Doubt. Matzke’s critique of involved the field of cladistics. Matzke claims that you can use cladistics to establish “collateral” ancestors of the forms seen in the Cambrian explosion. For more information about Darwin’s Doubt and Stephen Meyer, visit

George Gilder for Prager University - What Creates Wealth?

George Gilder for Prager University: What Creates Wealth?

The latest course from Prager University features George Gilder explaining why some countries are wealthy and flourishing, while others are poor and stagnant. This topic has been long debated–with scholars offering explanations based on culture, government, geography, history, and more–but George Gilder looks to the core of the issue, arguing that what matters most for dynamic economic growth is knowledge. Read More ›

Meyer Responds to Critics - Marshall

Meyer Responds to Critics: Marshall, Part 3

Stephen Meyer discusses his radio debate with Charles Marshall. The debate was very substantive and addressed a number of topics related to the Cambrian explosion including the validity of self-organizational processes as an explanation for the Cambrian explosion. For more information about Stephen Meyer and his New York Times bestseller Darwin’s Doubt, visit

Meyer Responds to Critics - Marshall

Meyer Responds to Critics: Marshall, Part 2

Stephen Meyer responds to another criticism by Charles Marshall of Meyer’s book, Darwin’s Doubt. Marshall argued that the rewiring of genetic regulatory networks can account for animal development and the establishment of new forms. Meyer explains that alteration of gene regulatory networks actually causes the shutting down of animal development. For more information about Stephen Meyer and his New York Read More ›