
Paul Nelson

Debating Darwin's Doubt

Debating Darwin’s Doubt

Stephen Meyer’s book Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design became a national bestseller, provoking a wide-ranging debate about the adequacy of Darwinian theory to explain life’s history. In Debating Darwin’s Doubt: A Scientific Controversy that Can No Longer Be Denied, leading scholars in the intelligent design community respond to critiques of Meyer’s book and show that the core challenge posed by Meyer remains unanswered. Read More ›

Explore Evolution

Designed for high school AP biology and above, Explore Evolution objectively presents the scientific evidence both for and against key aspects of Darwinian evolution. It promotes inquiry-based learning, encouraging students to participate in the process of discovery, deliberation, and argument that scientists use to form their theories. Read More ›

Signature of Controversy

Signature of Controversy is a response to the 2009 bestseller Signature in the Cell by Stephen C. Meyer, a book recognized as establishing one of the strongest pillars underlying the argument for intelligent design. To call Signature in the Cell important is an understatement. The critical response that followed the publication of Stephen Meyer’s book was fascinating, but the fact is that few — if any Read More ›


Darwinism, Design, and Public Education

This balanced volume contains essays by both supporters and critics debating intelligent design and whether design should be allowed in public school science classes. The scholars approach the question from the standpoints of constitutional law, philosophy, rhetoric, education, and science. Read More ›
Signs of Intelligence, edited by Dembski and Kushiner

Signs of Intelligence

A collection of essays from various scholars of the intelligent design movement explaining the precise meaning of the scientific theory of intelligent design. The essays threaten a wide variety of disciplines behind the curtain of Darwinism. Read More ›
Three Views on Creation and Evolution

Three Views on Creation and Evolution

For Christians, the issues raised by the different views on creation and evolution can be challenging. Can a “young earth” be reconciled with a universe that appears to be billions of years old? Does scientific evidence point to a God who designed the universe and life in all its complexity? Three Views on Creation and Evolution deals with these and Read More ›