The Scientific Problems with Kojonen’s Theistic Evolution Model
Design-Assisted Evolution: A Response to Rope Kojonen
Stephen Meyer: Scientific Arguments for a Theistic Worldview
David Berlinski on the Universal Civilization, Architectural Decline, and Fleeing the Nazis
The Blackwell Companion to Substance Dualism
A groundbreaking collection of contemporary essays from leading international scholars that provides a balanced and expert account of the resurgent debate about substance dualism and its physicalist alternatives. Substance dualism has for some time been dismissed as an archaic and defeated position in philosophy of mind, but in recent years, the topic has experienced a resurgence of scholarly interest and has Read More ›
David Berlinski on The Devil’s Delusion
The author of The Devil’s Delusion, Dr. David Berlinski is an urban scholar with a withering wit to delight and entertain while defending religious thought against a movement of intolerance which now includes much of the scientific elite. David Berlinski proceeds reasonably and calmly to challenge recent scientific theorizing and to expose the unreason from which it presumes to criticize Read More ›
Aquinas and Evolution
To show the substantial incompatibility (contradiction) between Thomas Aquinas’s teachings and theistic evolution we need to refer to the two levels of his intellectual enterprise. One is the level of philosophy (metaphysics); the other is the level of theology. Whereas philosophy is based entirely on the principles of natural reason and being (reality) without the help of revelation, theology is Read More ›
Leap Before You Look
I helped Bruce Chapman form Discovery Institute some 25 years ago and over that period, if I may use the term, it has evolved. Bruce and I believe that this evolution expresses an intelligent design, a unified vision that transcends the various programs at Discovery Institute. We do not only believe in intelligent design in the universe; we believe such a design manifests itself across the sciences and pervades economics and culture. Not only is God the creator; but human beings are creative in his image, in the image of the creator. This is a scientific proposition, following the insights of a great new science called information theory. Information theory upholds the idea of a hierarchical universe and underlies all Read More ›
Is Artificial Intelligence Possible?
Over the past half-century, Artificial Intelligence has been all the rage among computer scientists, and among many other scientists and philosophers and the general public. Can machines think? Read More ›