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The Methodological Equivalence of Design & Descent:

Reprinted from The Creation Hypothesis, ed. by J.P. Moreland (InterVarsity Press, 1994) During the last thirty years the idea of design has undergone a renaissance in some scientific and philosophical circles. Developments in physics and cosmology, in particular, have placed the word design back in the scientific vocabulary as physicists have unveiled a universe apparently fine-tuned for the possibility of Read More ›

Discovery Senior Fellow on Boston NPR Show

Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Bret Swanson will be a guest on the Boston NPR program “On Point” Wednesday, July 2, from 7 to 8 p.m. Eastern (4 to 5 p.m. Pacific). Swanson had an opinion piece published in the Wall Street Journal today on a new technology revival set for America, owing to the growth of subscribers for broadband networks Read More ›

Darwin, Design, and Public Education — New Book Examines the Scientific Evidence for Intelligent Design and Advocates Teaching Both Darwinism and Design to Improve Science Education

Click here to buy your copy of “Darwinism, Design and Public Education” at today. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New book examines the scientific evidence for intelligent design and Darwinism and advocates teaching both to improve science education SEATTLE  — Darwinism, Design and Public Education (DDPE) is a peer-reviewed book published by Michigan State University Press that presents a multi-faceted scientific Read More ›

Networks for Nothing, Inc.

Faced with the largest financial fraud in history, what should the feds do? Like Godzilla risen anew from the depths, WorldCom – soon be to rechristened MCI – is poised to emerge from bankruptcy blessed by the federal government. Read More ›

Getting Rid of the Unfair Rules

The Battle of Beginnings: Why Neither Side is Winning the Creation-Evolution Debate by Del RatzschDowner’s Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1996, 248 pp. The casual reader of Del Ratzsch’s The Battle of Beginnings: Why Neither Side is Winning the Creation-Evolution Debate (hereafter, Battle) may be excused for casting Ratzsch in the role of a philosophical and scientific referee — perhaps even Read More ›

Discovery Transportation Forum Predicts Public Policy on Traffic

The King County Journal reported yesterday that State Rep. Fred Jarrett, the No. 2 Republican on the House transportation committee, proposed to the state transportation commission that Washington should auction off access to its proposed High-Occupancy/Toll (HOT) lanes on eBay. “If we use the eBay bid process,” Jarrett said, “we’ll find people are willing to pay a significant amount of Read More ›

I Want a New Drug

FACED WITH RISING Medicaid costs, the states have begun to trumpet the oldest illusion about government power — that price controls can make things abundant and “affordable,” in this case prescription drugs. On May 19 the U.S. Supreme Court gave the green light to a Maine program that includes thousands of uninsured citizens in a discount drug-buying program the state Read More ›

It was bound to happen. First, proponents of the culture of death brought us physician-assisted suicide (PAS). Now, we must contend with IAS – Internet-assisted suicide. Yes, you read right. As reported by Julia Scheeres in the June 8 San Francisco Chronicle, suicide promotion and facilitation has entered cyberspace. In “A Virtual Path to Suicide,” Scheeres demonstrates how indifferent to Read More ›

A Note to Teachers

In 1989 the first edition of Of Pandas and People was published as a supplementary high school text on biological origins. It was written to identify documented problems with the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution that is presented in most textbooks and to present alternate scientific theories. A new edition was recently released that features, among other things, an expanded section Read More ›

Science and Religion Twenty Years After Mclean V. Arkansas

I. Introduction The conventional wisdom in constitutional law is that the debate that began with the famous Scopes trial in 19251 over the teaching of origins in public school science classrooms officially ended in 1987. In that year the U.S. Supreme Court, in Edwards v. Aguillard, 2 struck down a Louisiana statute, the Balanced Treatment Act, that required its public Read More ›