Darwinian Racism: The Author Webinar, Pt. 1

Darwin’s Rhetorical Foundation of Sand: Theological Utilitarianism

Walt Disney’s Views on Science and Its Dangers

Robert P. George on Teaching and Free Thought, Defending Peter Singer, and Natural Law

The Dangers of Totalitarian Science, Pt. 1

Why Cartesian Dualism?

John Bloom on the Match that Lit the Scientific Revolution
On today’s ID the Future Biola University physicist John Bloom discusses his chapter in the recent anthology The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith, co-edited by host Casey Luskin. Bloom’s focus in his contributed chapter is the pivotal role of Christianity in the rise of science. Bloom, the academic director of Biola’s master’s program in science and religion, draws on his PhD training Read More ›

Neuroscience, Quantum Physics, and the Nature of Reality

The Scandal of Money
It’s time for a new paradigm of economic thought. The key to understanding — and instigating — economic growth, Gilder argues, lies in information theory. Hear from economist and NYT bestselling author George Gilder as he expounds on the key messages of his latest book The Scandal of Money: Why Wall Street Recovers but the Economy Never Does at the Read More ›