
Gorilla and human at zoo
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Ann Gauger Puts Ape-to-Man Evolution Under the Microscope

On this ID The Future from the vault, host Sarah Chaffee interviews biologist Ann Gauger about a Crossway Books anthology that Gauger contributed to and helped edit, Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique. Read More ›

Casey Luskin and Adam Shapiro Debate Intelligent Design, Pt. 1

On today’s ID the Future, design theorist Casey Luskin, an editor of The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith, and science historian Adam Shapiro, co-author of Science and Religion: A Very Short Introduction, debate the meaning and prospects of intelligent design. Read More ›
Swarm of drones surveying, flying over city

EMPS, Swarms and Other Types of Terrifying Technology

Can you survive without your devices? Dr. Robert Marks and Sarah Seguin talk about the dangers to our electrical infrastructure stemming from modern technology. They also discuss various ways people can protect themselves during an EMP attack or  another similar event. Read More ›
Female Large Ground Finch (Geospiza magnirostris) - Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Jonathan Wells Battles Darwin’s Zombie Finches

On this ID The Future from the vault, Zombie Science author and biologist Jonathan Wells dissects some recent hype over Darwin’s finches, an icon of evolution that just won’t stay buried. Read More ›
Roger Severino

Roger Severino on Human Rights, Civil Rights, and Conscience Rights in a Divided America

It is no secret that our country is badly divided and riven by profound moral, religious, and political differences about what constitutes the good, the best means of promoting human flourishing, and even the proper meaning of the term, “civil rights.” The question thus becomes: How do we maintain mutual respect and comity, and retain sufficient cohesion to be considered a true society? Read More ›
notre dame de paris incendié

David Berlinski on the Universal Civilization, Architectural Decline, and Fleeing the Nazis

On this ID the Future, host Wesley J. Smith talks with polymath and Human Nature author David Berlinski about the philosophy of mathematics, the corruption of science, the burning of Notre Dame, modern Europe’s curious incapacity to build graceful, beautiful structures, and what’s driving the devolution of Western society. Read More ›

Hinduism and the Beginning of the Universe

Does the universe have a beginning, or is it eternal? Are the creation stories found in Hinduism meant to be taken literally, or are their texts meant to be understood another way? Dr. Michael Egnor and Arjuna Gallagher discuss these issues and much more as they explore Hinduism's understanding of the creation of the universe. Read More ›