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ERVs, Pseudogenes, and Onions

In 2012, the evolutionary “junk DNA” paradigm took a major hit when the ENCODE Project reported that over 80% of our DNA is biochemically functional. How did evolutionary biologists respond to the demise of one of their favorite arguments? Their responses fall into three main categories: (1) Get angry, (2) rewrite history, and (3) deny the data. This video explores Read More ›

Image by Kevin Payravi at Wikimedia Commons:

Campus Antisemitism Continues

A largely failed attempt to place ads for a pro-Israel book in ten universities’ student papers illustrates the double standard by which many students as well as faculty and administrators treat anti-Israel protestors, on one hand, and Israel supporters on the other. Every university approached recently by Seattle-based Discovery Institute on behalf of The Israel Test by George Gilder, a pro-Israel work published by Encounter Books, has experienced anti-Israel demonstrations. Some had riots. Yet most were treated by authorities with appeasement or even encouragement. Read More ›
Joyful girls students kids celebrate successful completion of collective school work in a bright classroom

Policy Focus: School Choice in the States

Huge historical legislative victories have occurred over the past four years, advancing school choice in states nationwide. In some states, the wins have entailed the creation of new school choice programs, while in other states, it has involved expanding existing programs to reach more students. Most noteworthy has been the enactment of universal or near-universal school choice in 12 states since 2021. Read More ›

Transgenderism, Theology, and a Transfer of Power

With the new administration that’s nine days away committed to revising rules regarding transgenderism, journalists reporting the debate should be informed biblically, biologically, and historically. J. Alan Branch’s Affirming God’s Image (Lexham Press, 2019) does well on all three dimensions in a tight 144 pages. Branch shows that participants in the ancient Roman cult of Cybele seemed to embrace transgenderism. Read More ›