
Westminster Design and Designer

Design & Designer: The Convergence of Science & Theology

Given enough time, can bacteria mutate into insects by chance? Can random mutations account for the existence of butterflies and whales and platypuses? What about the origin of the universe or the origin of man's ability to reason? Come and hear scientists and scholars discuss the limitations of chance and the abundant testimonies to design, as they come to realization from physics to proteins. Read More ›
Elementary School Science Teacher Uses Interactive Digital Whiteboard to Show Classroom Full of Children how Software Programming works for Robotics. Science Class, Curious Kids Listening Attentively

Competition Is Good for Customers, but Would it Benefit Schools?

Competition benefits consumers and is viewed as advantageous to them within the marketplace. However, when it comes to K-12 education in our country, competition is the outlier. Read More ›
Holding Baby's hand

Brit Baby’s Death Ruled Better Than Small Chance of Living — Again

Readers may recall the Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans cases from the U.K. — in which doctors both wanted to remove life support and prevent the children from being transferred to other hospitals willing to continue care. Because the law in the U.K. permits courts to decide the “best interests” of children in medical extremis, the MDs got their way. Read More ›
Atomic Tests

Next Memorial Day, Remember the Atomic Veterans Who Died for Their Country

I dread Memorial Day. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I don’t honor our military heroes who died for their country. To the contrary, I hold them in the highest esteem. It’s just that I hate having to stifle the rage I experience every year as that important commemoration day rolls around. Read More ›
Blue sky and clouds over Henderson Creek, which runs through Rookery Bay in Marco Island

Florida Creeks — Yes, the Bodies of Water — Sue to Enforce ‘Nature Rights’

The “nature rights” movement is stunningly anti-human. It not only removes the concept of “rights” from the strictly human realm — us, our juridical entities and associations, etc. — but was created to thwart human enterprise. Read More ›

YouTube Premiere of “The Paradigm Project: Intelligent Design”

This cinematic-quality documentary features Center Director Stephen Meyer and biologists Jonathan Wells and Douglas Axe. Created by filmmaker Tom Small from Colorado in consultation with various CSC Fellows, the documentary tells the story of the intelligent design movement and serves as the pilot episode of a new series that Small hopes to produce in the future. Read More ›

Darwin’s Three Big Ideas That Impacted Humanity

One of the greatest naturalists of the nineteenth century, Alfred Russel Wallace co-discovered evolution by natural selection. Unlike Darwin, Wallace became convinced that life and the universe displayed clear evidence of purposeful design. Join us for an online birthday party as we celebrate the life and legacy of Wallace with historian Michael Flannery. Read More ›