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YouTube Premiere of “The Paradigm Project: Intelligent Design”
Mark your calendars for our next YouTube premiere!
This cinematic-quality documentary features Center Director Stephen Meyer and biologists Jonathan Wells and Douglas Axe. Created by filmmaker Tom Small from Colorado in consultation with various CSC Fellows, the documentary tells the story of the intelligent design movement and serves as the pilot episode of a new series that Small hopes to produce in the future.
Meet some of the world’s most dangerous minds — scientists who are daring to claim that nature provides compelling evidence of intelligent design. In this new video premiering May 4, join host Kutter Callaway as he investigates recent developments about the origin and evolution of life and what these developments may mean for humanity’s age-old search for faith and purpose. The video features interviews with philosopher of science Stephen Meyer, author of Signature in the Cell, Darwin’s Doubt, and Return of the God Hypothesis; molecular biologist Douglas Axe of Biola University, author of Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition that Life Is Designed; and molecular and cell biologist Jonathan Wells, author of The Myth of Junk DNA, Icons of Evolution, and Zombie Science.
Join the live premiere of “The Paradigm Project: Intelligent Design” on YouTube at 7:00 pm PDT on May 4, 2021.
“Depending upon each person’s paradigm, people can look at the exact same thing and walk away with entirely different pictures.”
— host Kutter Callaway, PhD
LIVE Tuesday, May 4, 7:00 pm PT
Paradigm Project Event at Discovery Science on YouTube
Visit the page in advance and click the set reminder button or subscribe so you don’t miss this (or any other) livestream!
Email Daniel Reeves at dreeves@discovery.org