- Date
- Sep29302023
- September
- 09
- Sep
- 29
- 29
- 2023
- Time
- 19:00:00
- Locale
- Glen Mills, PA
- Venue
- Covenant Fellowship Church
- Register
- Register
Westminster Conference on Science & Faith
Is mankind an error-prone accident of nature or a masterpiece of engineering, ingenuity, and intention? For those of us that believe in the marvelous design of mankind, how might we respond well to those who think we are nothing more than an accident? At this year’s Westminster Conference on Science & Faith, you will be equipped by expert scientists and theologians to answer some of the hardest questions posed by skeptics.
Though speakers will be addressing detailed evidence in various scientific fields, the content is designed to be accessible to a broad audience as well as to scientific specialists. The conference explores the uniqueness of human beings in relation to God, to human society, and to physiology, biology, paleontology, and genetics. Special topics include the image of God, remarkable physiological systems, human sexuality, the future of humanity, the threat of totalitarian science, a Christian approach to teaching STEM, and the relation of the brain to the mind.
The conference is jointly sponsored by Westminster Theological Seminary and Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture and is available for both in-person and livestream attendance.
Perks to joining in person:
- Additional breakout sessions presented by scientists and theologians
- Conference bookstore featuring a large selection of titles by conference speakers and other scholars
- Opportunities for book signings with the speakers
- In-person community and networking
Can’t join us in person?
- Tickets will give you access to view the conference live from the comfort of your own home
- Tickets are interchangeable between livestream and in-person, giving you last-minute flexibility
- Simulcasting available— contact John Felts if you have a group who would like to host a viewing party
Friday, September 29
6:30 PM — 9:00 PM
Saturday, September 30
8:30 AM — 5:00 PM
Covenant Fellowship Church
1 Fellowship Drive
Glen Mills, PA 19342
Also available via livestream
John Felts
(206) 826-5532
Hotel Information

Residence Inn Philadelphia Glen Mills/Concordville
11 Fellowship Drive
Glen Mills, PA 19342
PRICE: $169.00 (+ tax)
PHONE: 610-459-1190
DISTANCE: 0.2 miles, 1 minute (driving), 3 minutes (walking)
CUT OFF: September 15, 2023
GROUP RATE INFO: Use the link below or reference the Discovery Institute group rate when booking by phone.

Key to breakout sessions:
⬥ = Includes technical scientific content
⏺ = Accessible, student-friendly content
5:00 PM | Registration Opens |
6:30 PM | Welcome & Announcements |
6:45 PM | The Miracle of Man in the Image of God Vern Poythress |
7:15 PM | The Miracle of Man Michael Denton |
8:20 PM | Q&A Panel Vern Poythress, Michael Denton, and John West |
9:00 PM | Dismissal & Book Signings |
8:00 AM | Registration Re-opens |
8:45 AM | Welcome & Announcements |
9:00 AM | Roundtable Discussion on Human Uniqueness John West, Casey Luskin, Mark Garcia, and Robert Marks |
10:15 AM | Coffee & snack break |
10:30 AM | ⬥ Your Designed Body Howard Glicksman and Steve Laufmann ⬥ Blood Sugar Regulation: A Case Study in Systems Biology Emily Reeves ⏺ The Future of Humanity Vern Poythress ⏺ Apologetics: Principles for Presenting Your Faith Ransom Poythress |
11:30 AM | Lunch break |
1:00 PM | The Mystery of Human Sexuality Mark Garcia |
2:00 PM | Break |
2:15 PM | ⬥ Fine-tuning of the Optics of the Human Eye Brian Miller ⏺ Teaching and Learning STEM: A Christian Approach Ransom Poythress ⏺ The Threat Posed by Totalitarian Science to Human Dignity and Freedom John West By Divine Design: Human Dignity and Covenant Life Dave Garner |
3:15 PM | Coffee & snack break |
3:30 PM | Brain, Mind, and Soul Michael Egnor |
5:00 PM | Dismissal & Book Signings |