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World War III Is Here, So How Do We Win?

Originally published at Townhall

As I have written previously, World War III is already here, although it is not yet a shooting war. Instead, it is for now a battle for the mind and soul—directed primarily at demoralizing the American people—disconnecting them from reality and undermining their sense of identity, virtue and belonging—their commitment to family, their faith in God, and their appreciation for their country. This stage of battle to demoralize the people has been all but completed and Americans have lost.

The next stage of the battle in World War III involves planned actions by internal and external enemies designed to destabilize American society. This second stage has also been pretty well completed—through the Covid pandemic of fear in which supply chains were broken, small businesses were shuttered, the work ethic was damaged and huge numbers of Americans lost their jobs. Additionally, the Covid fear pandemic created the conditions that enabled left-wing lawyers and political activists to change voting protocols in important swing states—greatly expanding voting by mail and the use of drop boxes. And because of unverifiable mail-in ballots and the stuffing of those drop boxes the electoral process was corrupted. We now live under figurehead president, Joe Biden, who is compromised by his family’s taking $31 million from the Mainland Chinese.

The third stage of World War III is the crisis stage, which is when armed conflict and war unfold. That could be a civil war or international war. Since we are at the threshold of that crisis stage, it’s imperative to have clear priorities. Mainland China’s PLA Army, Navy, and Air Force’s massive war games over and around Taiwan around the time of Speaker of the House Pelosi’s visit, remind us that our chief rival that threatens democratic and free nations in East Asia has its military preparedness priorities very much together. What about the United States?

In the crisis stage of war, priorities of society obviously need to radically change to avert armed conflict and to assure survival. A majority of Americans have already rejected the Great Reset and Green New Deal agenda, which mandates the reduction of CO2 and methane emissions from burning oil and gas and maintaining large herds of cattle for beef consumption. In the face of armed conflict and survival, concern about CO2 and cow farts appear silly and misplaced.

What’s more, an increasing number of Americans have wised up from recognizing the inconsistent and harmful policy advice to which they have been subjected by federal government agencies on Covid-19. Now a bridge too far for many is the realization that they were put at risk in being guinea pigs for the Covid-19 vaccines. As awareness spreads about the Covid vaccination program’s unfavorable outcomes with debilitating health complications and death rates that exceed all other vaccination programs combined, expect more social unrest.

We have arrived at a point in history where an unprecedented number of Americans no longer believe anything the elites and federal government say. People can see the southern border being overrun by illegal aliens, criminal drug and human traffickers. People also see that defunding the police and the politicization of all branches of the military and the FBI are patently bad policies that are utterly incompatible with maintaining a civil society, let alone a constitutional republic. What everyone witnessed with the recent FBI raid on President Trump’s personal residence at Mar-a-Lago was an unparalleled abuse of Justice Department power that shocked the nation into recognizing that we really are on a slippery slope of becoming a banana republic. Little wonder that recent polls show only one in five Americans trust the federal government to do what’s right for the people.

The enemy within and from without wants to distract the American people and to push destabilization into the crisis stage. We cannot let that happen. America’s three most important priorities now are military readiness, restoring law and order, and reestablishing energy independence. With the prospects of war and runaway inflation, our priority must be to tap into more of the vast gas and oil deposits in continental America and Alaska that are now readily accessible with our vertical and horizontal drilling and fracking technologies. Reestablishing energy independence from increased oil and gas production, which is far more economic and reliable than the two currently dominant sustainable alternatives of wind and solar, should be our priority.

Producing more oil and gas is also the single-most important move to quickly relieve our inflation problem. Biden’s war on fossil fuels started with the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline on day one of his administration. That was immediately followed by other policies further restricting oil and gas production, which accelerated the increase of energy prices and served as the key driver of inflation in the first year and a half of the Biden administration. Reversing those restrictions would unleash incentives to produce more oil and gas and bring energy prices down. That in turn cuts transportation and shipping costs that lower food and consumer product prices, air fare, and everyday products derived from petroleum, such as: plastics, tires, spandex and polyester fabrics, carpeting, solar panels, boats, refrigerants for A/C, refrigerators and freezers, paints, feedstocks, fertilizers, Tyvek, roofing, asphalt for road paving, lubricating oils, PVC piping, washers for faucets, artificial turf, golf balls, basket balls, waxes, aspirin, and lipstick—to name only a few products that are petroleum-based.

The fourth priority to survive World War III and rebuild America’s stability and opportunity is to restore an understanding and appreciation of our Constitution and our unique national heritage. While achieving that is more of a long-term objective that will take years, we must cease and replace unbalanced history narratives that are contained in Critical Race Theory and revisionist American history curriculum in K-12 schools. We should also make federal funding of higher education contingent on balanced American history curriculums that include coverage of the background, ideas, and sacrificial lives of the founders who drafted the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, which together provide more guarantees for the people’s rights and freedoms than any other system in the world.

Whether from high school or college, every graduate from an American school should understand that every citizen’s vote has equal value, and the legitimacy of the U.S. government is derived solely from the consent of the governed. Also, at the forefront of this necessary initiative to elevate the appreciation of the U.S. Constitution is the need to understand its Bill of Rights, which starts with the First Amendment. Mass censorship, blacklisting and cancellation of people and ideas should have no place in America, for it is the competition of ideas that leads society closer to truth and enables progress.

In conclusion, it is not too late to turn America around, avoid conflict, and bring an end to World War III and win the battle for the American mind and soul. It’s time for modern-day American patriots committed to the defense of freedom and the pursuit of truth and equal justice under the law to bring more people from the sidelines into this great work of restoration and renewal. Voting in November is essential. It’s time for the American people to be the light that drives out the darkness.

Scott S. Powell

Senior Fellow, Center on Wealth and Poverty
Scott Powell has worked in the corporate, academic, and research worlds. He has taught at two universities, served on two corporate boards, and been an entrepreneur—founding two companies. He has been Senior Fellow at the  Discovery Institute since 2012, after a six-year affiliation with Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He has written three books and over 350 published articles in the Wall Street Journal, Investor’s Business Daily, Newsmax, The Federalist ,USA Today, Barron’s Financial, New York Post, Chicago Tribune, The Houston Chronicle, and some 50 other newspapers and journals in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. He delivered the valedictory address at his graduation from the University of Chicago with honors (B.A. and M.A.) and received his Ph.D. in economics from Boston University.