USA flag on pole behind iron fence
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World War III Is Here, So How Do We Win?

As I have written previously, World War III is already here, although it is not yet a shooting war. Instead, it is for now a battle for the mind and soul—directed primarily at demoralizing the American people—disconnecting them from reality and undermining their sense of identity, virtue and belonging—their commitment to family, their faith in God, and their appreciation for their country. Read More ›
Grand Forks is a Large North Dakota Town on the Red River at the Intersection of Highway 2 and Interstate 29 one Hour south of the Canada Border

A Chinese Trojan Horse in Grand Forks, North Dakota?

To obtain the most coveted data and information, which is defense and military-related, the Chinese employ multi-level strategies involving what they call United Front operations and infiltration in diverse sectors from political associations to individual politicians, from industry associations to specific businesses, and from academic institutions to the media. Read More ›

Biden’s Laptop Problem

Oh, those pesky laptop computers, and the problems they create for corrupt politicians in election years! Just two or three weeks prior to the Presidential election in 2016, it was files on the Anthony Weiner laptop that became public as the subject of an FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton, which helped seal defeat in her 2016 Presidential bid. This year, less Read More ›