Green New Deal

Chinese Yuan and US dollars on the map of China. Trade war between US and China, economic sanctions

The Final Chinafication of the United States

Even if the United States wanted to wean itself from China for national security reasons it would remain dependent on key minerals for its energy and transportation systems, and this time the dependency will be with one country—China. As the Institute for Energy Research reports, the advancement of the Green New Deal will mean further ‘Chinafication’ of the U.S.  Read More ›

AOC and a Day Without Fossil Fuels

Green New Deal Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls for an end to fossil fuels by 2035. Her desire to protect the earth for future generations is understandable, even laudable. But what she doesn’t seem to appreciate is that humans are here on earth with lives to live, and in using the resources the earth provides there will always be some level of impact on the planet. Read More ›
USA flag on pole behind iron fence
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World War III Is Here, So How Do We Win?

As I have written previously, World War III is already here, although it is not yet a shooting war. Instead, it is for now a battle for the mind and soul—directed primarily at demoralizing the American people—disconnecting them from reality and undermining their sense of identity, virtue and belonging—their commitment to family, their faith in God, and their appreciation for their country. Read More ›