Rediscovering America
How the National Holidays Tell an Amazing Story about Who We AreScott S. PowellThe only book ever written in the history genre that succinctly tells the progressive and redemptive course of America as revealed in the stories behind the American holidays.
Ever wonder why everyone wants to immigrate to America? Rediscovering America answers that question, and it’s like no other history you have ever read. More than an account of people, dates, and events, this story is about the hidden hand of a purposeful historical development where the main actors are colorful characters, participating in an American drama of little known but remarkable events where overcoming incredible odds of failure is more unbelievable and engaging than fiction. And while each chapter is a stand-alone tale — some quite wild — about what is behind each of the American holidays, the page- and chapter-turning appeal of Rediscovering America is in the narratives that link the holiday stories together, revealing an account of progress and redemption in America covering over four hundred years — never before told in a concise and readable book.
Scott Powell reminds us in the current age of uncertainty that without national commemorative holidays, shared reverence for our founding customs and traditions, and some sense of collective gratitude to past generations, a huge, increasingly divided, diverse, and often volatile American democracy simply cannot endure.
Victor Davis Hanson
Rediscovering America is not only genuinely entertaining to read. It is also deeply important! I learned many things from reading it and am already excite to share them with anyone I meet. Scott Powell has provided a fresh overview of America, revealing many things we all must know if we are to keep this republic! Please read this book!
Eric Metaxas
Scott Powell has made a major contribution in the research and writing of Rediscovering America, providing substantive reason for hope and confidence in the kids of troubled times. It may be the first book written in the history genre the lays out the true progressive and redemptive course that is America’s greatest legacy. Indeed, you will find much to celebrate in the stories behind the American holidays.
David Horowitz, from the Introduction
Scott Powell’s delightful book, a luminous retelling of the great American saga through the stories behind its holidays, will be for many Americans a vehicle for recovering a deep appreciation of our profoundly unique and virtuous heritage. In his hands, the stately procession of those holidays, from Columbus Day in October to Constitution Day in September, open us up to our past — a past that is already a part of us. Like the elements making up a great liturgy, the procession of holidays help us to find ourselves again, and recover the faith and hope that animated the creation of our nation in the first place.
Wilfred M. McClay, Professor of History, Hillsdale & Author Land of Hope: The Great American Story
It’s always a good time to rediscover America. Our country’s story is a history of great men, monumental achievements and what may appear, even to skeptics, as providential interventions. Scott Powell has had the good idea of telling America’s story by focusing on our national holidays, and how they came to be — stories that tell American readers why they should be grateful to those on whose shoulders they are fortunate enough to stand.
Michael Barone, Senior political analyst, Washington Examiner, Founder and longtime co-author, The Almanac of American Politics Author, Our Country: The Shaping of America from Roosevelt to Reagan