Cascadia Center

Viaduct Decision Day Is Here

This article, published by Crosscut, quotes from Matt Rosenberg of Discovery Institute: In this post from the tunnel advocates at Discovery Institute’s Cascadia Center, Matt Rosenberg writes: “The Viaduct decision needs to be part of a broader regional plan for time-variable tolling. …” The rest of the article can be found here.

Eastside Passenger Railway Would Cost $1 Billion

The new cost estimate for commuter-rail service was higher than some commuter-rail advocates claim, but one of those advocates, Cascadia Center of Discovery Institute representative Tom Jones, said the billion-dollar price tag would still be "quite literally a bargain." "This corridor can be developed for about one-third to one-half of the estimated $1.23 billion," Jones said. "Cascadia continues to believe that the corridor can be built for millions and (in) years, rather than billions and decades." Read More ›

Eastside Rail Cost Estimates Inflated, Cascadia Tells Radio Listeners

On evening drive time Wednesday Nov. 19 and morning drive Thursday Nov. 20, Cascadia Center Director Bruce Agnew was featured in a news segment on a new cost estimate for a proposed 42-mile Eastside commuter rail corridor in metro Puget Sound. Soundbite one can be found here. Soundbite two can be found here.

HOT Lanes Expansion Urged

The report featured Cascadia Center Director Bruce Agnew, and aired repeatedly in the late afternoon through evening drive, and the next day (Saturday). Longer version: .wav file (minus intro & outro) Short version: .wav file (minus intro & outro)

Opportunities Await Builders Of Charging Stations

This article, published by the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce, mentions the Cascadia Center of Discovery Institute: Kaplan spoke at a conference last month sponsored by the Cascadia Center. The rest of the article can be found here.

Puget Sound Ports Facing Challenges

This article, published by The Seattle Times, quotes Discovery Institute Fellow Bruce Agnew: Those modest aspirations drive people like Bruce Agnew batty. Agnew, director of the Discovery Institute’s Cascadia Center for Regional Development, said the Seattle port risks sliding into irrelevance without concerted effort to keep it competitive. The rest of the article can be found here.

Public Subsidy Would Be Required For Public Transit, Passenger Ferry

This article, published by The Journal of The San Juans, mentions the Cascadia Center of Discovery Institute: The summit was sponsored by Cascadia Center for Regional Development, Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce, … San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau, San Juan Island Library and the Town of Friday Harbor. The rest of the article can be found here.

Telework Cuts Congestion, Boosts Productivity

The Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council has begun a telework pilot project. Background in this Kitsap Sun article. Different versions of the KOMO-AM 1000 story ran the afternoon of Monday, September 15 and the morning of Tuesday, September 16 with soundbites from Discovery Institute Fellow Bruce Agnew: Version 1: .WAV file Version 2: .WAV file