
Discovery Institute office interior staircase
Photo by Nathan Jacobson, © Discovery Institute

More Than a Think Tank

While we still maintain an interest in public policy, we are increasingly a cultural institution — one that examines and challenges the worldview assumptions and cultural influences that drive public policy. Read More ›

Subscribe Now to The Flagship, Discovery Institute’s New Monthly E-Newsletter!

We’re excited to launch our new monthly e-newsletter, The Flagship, in order to bring you monthly updates from all of Discovery Institute’s programs. It’s an easy way to get a quick, comprehensive look at all of our activities in economics, technology policy, bioethics, education reform, science and culture, and more. Read More ›

Subscribe Now to The Flagship, Discovery Institute’s New Monthly E-Newsletter!

We’re excited to launch our new monthly e-newsletter, The Flagship, in order to bring you monthly updates from all of Discovery Institute’s programs. It’s an easy way to get a quick, comprehensive look at all of our activities in economics, technology policy, bioethics, education reform, science and culture, and more. Read More ›

FBI’s iPhone Request Threatens Innovation

Frustrated by its unsuccessful attempt to access the contents of an iPhone that was used by one of the San Bernardino shooting suspects in December, the FBI has obtained a court order requiring Apple’s cooperation. Although the FBI insists this is an exceptional request, limited to a single iPhone, in fact it has grave consequences for tech firms. Read DI Senior Fellow Hance Haney’s analysis at The Stream.

Wesley J . Smith: Who Decides to Discontinue Medical Treatment?

Medicare will now reimburse doctors $86 for half-hour consultations about the kind of treatment patients would—or would not—want should they become incapacitated. Writing at The Weekly Standard, DI Sr. Fellow Wesley J. Smith explains why this new regulation exposes patients to the threat of a doctor’s potential refusal to provide them with the life-extending treatment that they want. Read his article at The Weekly Standard.

Steve Buri at Bradley Center launch in Dallas

On Election Day, Discovery Institute President Steven J. Buri Says “Thank You” to Politicians

In his Seattle Times op-ed, DI President Steven J. Buri reminds us to thank our fellow citizens who choose to place their names on a ballot. At a time when many Americans are fed up with politics, we should take a moment to appreciate those that aspire to public service — often at great personal sacrifice and little personal gain. Read More ›