
Lethal Ageism

By Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Wesley J. Smith. Originally published at First Things. A story out of Belgium vividly illustrates how our elderly are becoming personae non gratae in a society increasingly obsessed with avoiding difficulty. Francis and Anne are healthy and happily married octogenarians. Not wanting to live without each other, they plan to die together on their sixty-fourth anniversary. Rather than engaging suicide prevention, their children procured a doctor to euthanize them. Digging more deeply into the Daily Mail story, we can glean that there’s more to this case than the couple’s fear of widowhood: <blockquote<John Paul said the double euthanasia of his parents was the ‘best solution’. ‘If one of them should die, who would remain would Read More ›


Chapman Center (I Blush) Opens at Discovery Institute

Believe it or not, having a luncheon in my honor Monday was a bit like getting married; it was lots of fun, but a surprisingly tense occasion. Before 170 guests at Seattle’s Harbor Club, Discovery’s President Steve Buri and other colleagues formally announced the new “Chapman Center on Citizen Leadership.” Read More ›


Welcome to the New Discovery.org

Discovery Institute is excited to announce the launch of the brand new Discovery.org! As you can see, we have been very busy working on new and efficient ways to communicate our message on the web. We hope that you find our new site easy to use. Thanks so much for your support and we hope you like our new site as much as we do! As you explore the site, you will notice a lot of changes. Here are a couple of highlights we wanted to make sure you noticed: Located on the Discovery Institute home page, this news feed will bring you the latest of the most important information from all of our different programs. The content featured in Read More ›

What is the Impact of Raising Taxes on the Wealthy?

What is the Impact of Raising Taxes on the Wealthy?

In this short clip bestselling author and influential thinker George Gilder discusses the effects of raising taxes on the wealthy. Although this is commonly pointed to as a solution for America’s economic problems, you may be surprised by what this policy decision results in. In his new book Knowledge and Power: The Information Theory of Capitalism and How It Is Read More ›

The War on Humans: Q&A with Wesley J. Smith and John West

On this episode of ID The Future, we’re featuring clips of questions and answers with Wesley J. Smith and John West from the premiere of The War on Humans documentary. Smith and West briefly answer questions about the threat of the fringe element of the radical animal rights movement; the advance of animal rights proponents political agenda; and the regulatory process that is Read More ›

Dr. David Snoke: Part 3 Dr. David Snoke: Part 3

On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin continues to talk with physicist Dr. David Snoke, asking him about his experience as the founder of the Christian Scientific Society (CSS). Dr. Snoke discusses why he started the CSS and what the organization is about, including its approach to intelligent design. For more information or to join the Christian Scientific Society, Read More ›

Single red tulip in a field of yellow tulips
Photo by Rupert Britton on Unsplash

Intelligent Design Is Peer-Reviewed, but Is Peer-Review a Requirement of Good Science?

As may be seen from our newly updated page listing Peer-Reviewed & Peer-Edited Scientific Publications Supporting the Theory of Intelligent Design, the ID movement has developed a diverse research program bearing fruit in the form of more than 50 peer-reviewed scientific papers. Beyond doubt, ID proponents have published a significant body of legitimate peer-reviewed research. In the past, critics charged Read More ›

Photo by Louis Maniquet on Unsplash

A Scientific History and Philosophical Defense of the Theory of Intelligent Design

In December of 2004, the renowned British philosopher Antony Flew made worldwide news when he repudiated a lifelong commitment to atheism, citing, among other factors, evidence of intelligent design in the DNA molecule. In that same month, the American Civil Liberties Union filed suit to prevent a Dover, Pennsylvania school district from informing its students that they could learn about the theory of intelligent design from a supplementary science textbook in their school library. The following February, The Wall Street Journal (Klinghoffer 2005) reported that an evolutionary biologist at the Smithsonian Institution with two doctorates had been punished for publishing a peer-reviewed scientific article making a case for intelligent design. Read More ›
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

The Fine-Tuning Design Argument

I. Introduction The Evidence of Fine-tuning1 Suppose we went on a mission to Mars, and found a domed structure in which everything was set up just right for life to exist. The temperature, for example, was set around 70o F and the humidity was at 50%; moreover, there was an oxygen recycling system, an energy gathering system, and a whole Read More ›