

C.S. Lewis Fellows Program on Science and Society

The C.S. Lewis Fellows Program on Science and Society will explore the growing impact of science on politics, economics, social policy, bioethics, theology, and the arts during the past century. The program is named after celebrated British writer C.S. Lewis, a perceptive critic of both scientism and technocracy in books such as The Abolition of Man and That Hideous Strength. Topics to be addressed include Read More ›

Dallas Conference on Science and Faith 2022

Dallas Conference on Science & Faith

How has Christianity contributed to the rise of modern science? What do the latest scientific discoveries tell us about the existence of God? Explore these questions, and more, at Discovery Institute's 4th-annual Dallas Conference on Science & Faith. Read More ›
Westminster Design and Designer

Design & Designer: The Convergence of Science & Theology

Given enough time, can bacteria mutate into insects by chance? Can random mutations account for the existence of butterflies and whales and platypuses? What about the origin of the universe or the origin of man's ability to reason? Come and hear scientists and scholars discuss the limitations of chance and the abundant testimonies to design, as they come to realization from physics to proteins. Read More ›

How Science Points Us To God

Steve Buri and Dan and Cindi Mader are delighted to invite you to an event benefiting Discovery Institute and featuring Dr. Stephen Meyer. Dr. Meyer will discuss the intersection of science and faith, as presented in his best-selling book, Return of the God Hypothesis. Read More ›

Evolution: How Long Would It Take?

Many engineers intuitively see design behind the incredible complexity of even simple organisms. We will take some biological data and combine it with some simple statistics to try to understand how long evolution would take. Read More ›

YouTube Premiere of “The Paradigm Project: Intelligent Design”

This cinematic-quality documentary features Center Director Stephen Meyer and biologists Jonathan Wells and Douglas Axe. Created by filmmaker Tom Small from Colorado in consultation with various CSC Fellows, the documentary tells the story of the intelligent design movement and serves as the pilot episode of a new series that Small hopes to produce in the future. Read More ›

Darwin’s Three Big Ideas That Impacted Humanity

One of the greatest naturalists of the nineteenth century, Alfred Russel Wallace co-discovered evolution by natural selection. Unlike Darwin, Wallace became convinced that life and the universe displayed clear evidence of purposeful design. Join us for an online birthday party as we celebrate the life and legacy of Wallace with historian Michael Flannery. Read More ›

Dallas Conference on Science & Faith — 2021

Does our universe point to God? Do molecules show evidence of foresight? Were humans produced through an unguided evolutionary process or by intelligent design? Explore these questions and more at the third annual Dallas Conference on Science & Faith, sponsored by Discovery Institute on March 13, 2021. Read More ›

Online Event Launching Michael Behe’s Latest Book — A Mousetrap for Darwin

According to Behe, one of the most powerful arguments that he is on the right track is the sheer vacuity of the attacks leveled against him, many offered by undeniably brilliant scientists. But are those criticisms really as empty as he thinks? Read More ›