Intelligent Design

The Center for Science and Culture

Your Designed Body Title Screens

Heart Rate Control

Engineer Steve Laufmann discusses the heart rate control. Laufmann is co-author of the book Your Designed Body: Every day, your body must solve hundreds of hard engineering problems simultaneously, or else you’ll die. In the book, Your Designed Body, systems engineer Steve Laufmann and physician Howard Glicksman explore this extraordinary system of thousands of ingenious and interdependent engineering solutions Read More ›

Open bible on desk.

Upcoming Conference to Explore Cosmic Mind and Divine Action

Philosopher and theologian Joshua Farris is hosting an online conference to examine Cosmic Mind, Divine Action, and Design-Engaged Theology. According to Farris, “the event will focus on intelligent design and its implications for science-engaged theology. Collectively, it will make the case for a God who cares—and for what that means as humans seek to join God’s redemptive mission in crucial Read More ›


Biologist explains scientific challenges to Darwinian evolution

Dr. Douglas Axe, director of Biologic Institute, will be a featured speaker at the fourth annual Westminster Conference on Science and Faith on April 5-6, 2013 at Covenant Fellowship Church in the greater Philadelphia area. This year’s theme is “How Did It All Begin?” How did the universe begin? How did life start? How did complex living things arise? Explore Read More ›


Design Patterns in the Human Body

Engineer Steve Laufmann discusses the design patterns in the human body. Laufmann is co-author of the book Your Designed Body: Every day, your body must solve hundreds of hard engineering problems simultaneously, or else you’ll die. In the book, Your Designed Body, systems engineer Steve Laufmann and physician Howard Glicksman explore this extraordinary system of thousands of ingenious and Read More ›


By Design: Behe, Lennox, and Meyer on the Evidence for a Creator

Michael Behe, John Lennox, and Steven Meyer are three of the leading voices in science and academia on the case for an intelligent designer of the universe and everything in it (including us). In this wide-ranging conversation, they point out the flaws in Darwin’s theory and the increasing amount of evidence uncovered by a rigorous application of the scientific method Read More ›

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Cascading Problems

Doctor Howard Glicksman explains the cascading problems in our body. If you solve one problem, then you have another, and another, all at once. You need oxygen, hence a respiratory system. But the oxygen doesn’t dissolve well, so you need hemoglobin. But that requires kidney cells to control them, and on and on. Who’s managing the red blood cells!? Glicksman Read More ›

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Wordpress event banner for 2023 ID Education Day on Tiny Tech

Tiny Tech

After a 3-year hiatus, we are excited to announce that the annual Intelligent Design Education Day is returning to Washington State with new speakers and sessions related to the theme of Tiny Tech. This free in-person event will be hosted by our friends at Great Northern University in Spokane, WA and is designed primarily for junior high and high school Read More ›


Coherence in the Human Body

Engineer Steve Laufmann discusses the coherence of systems in the human body, the necessity that each part in the system has to be specialized to solve a sub-problem. The parts have to be just the way they are. Laufmann is co-author of the book Your Designed Body: Every day, your body must solve hundreds of hard engineering problems simultaneously, Read More ›


Control of Breathing

Doctor Howard Glicksman discusses the control of breathing and the system that communicates the need for oxygen: when and how much, whether sleeping or running. The body knows what it needs to do to keep you alive. Glicksman is co-author of the book Your Designed Body: Every day, your body must solve hundreds of hard engineering problems simultaneously, or Read More ›

Melissa Cain Travis Presents on Intelligent Design

Melissa Cain Travis has been invited to Oklahoma Baptist University to take part in the “Generation Why” Youth Apologetics Conference. Travis will be presenting a lecture titled The Language of Life: A Biochemical Case for Intelligent Design in the first plenary session at 9:00 AM, followed by a breakout session called Darwin’s Horrid Doubt: How the Human Mind Defies Naturalistic Read More ›