Intelligent Design

The Center for Science and Culture


Life is a Hard Problem

Howard Glicksman, a physician, discusses how life is a hard problem because there are multiple problems that have to be solved. For example, at the cellular level, everything in the cell has to be contained. Diffusion and osmosis must be controlled. Glicksman is co-author of the book Your Designed Body: Every day, your body must solve hundreds of hard Read More ›

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Conference on Engineering in Living Systems

CELS brings together leading engineers and biologists in order to: (1) apply engineering principles to better understand biological systems, (2) craft a design-based theoretical framework that explains and predicts the behaviors of living systems, and (3) develop research programs that demonstrate the engineering principles at work in living systems. Read More ›

Our Body’s Immune System

Howard Glicksman discusses our body’s immune system. Glicksman is co-author of the book Your Designed Body: Every day, your body must solve hundreds of hard engineering problems simultaneously, or else you’ll die. In the book, Your Designed Body, systems engineer Steve Laufmann and physician Howard Glicksman explore this extraordinary system of thousands of ingenious and interdependent engineering solutions that Read More ›

God’s Sovereign Plan Through His Creation

Stephen Meyer is coming to Southern California to discuss faith-based questions, such as: If these types of questions interest you, see more details below from the event organizers: It’s often assumed that if a person takes science seriously, then religion is not taken seriously. How do we as believers position ourselves in what is the Truth in these changing times? Read More ›


Darwin Comes to Africa

Charles Darwin fathered not just a scientific theory, but a toxic social ideology that fueled racist colonial policies in Africa. In this sobering book, African scholar Olufemi Oluniyi traces the insidious impact of Darwinian ideas on British imperial policies in Northern Nigeria. Drawing on official documents, public statements, and well-attested historical events, Oluniyi documents how concepts such as evolutionary racism Read More ›

Does God Exist? A Conversation with Tom Holland, Stephen Meyer, and Douglas Murray
Still image from Hoover Institute's Uncommon Knowledge

Does God Exist? A Conversation with Tom Holland, Stephen Meyer, and Douglas Murray

Does God exist? Something — a being, a power — that’s supernatural? That is, an entity that we’re unable to perceive with our five senses but that’s still real? Ever since the Enlightenment, the knowing, urbane, sophisticated answer has been, “Of course not.” Now a historian, a scientist, and a journalist talk it over and reveal new threads in the Read More ›


The Human Body’s Intelligent Design

Engineer Steve Laufmann discusses the systems in the human body that require intelligent design to come about. Laufmann is co-author of the book Your Designed Body. Every day, your body must solve hundreds of hard engineering problems simultaneously, or else you’ll die. In the book, Your Designed Body, systems engineer Steve Laufmann and physician Howard Glicksman explore this extraordinary system Read More ›


Is The Human Body Poorly Designed?

Engineer Steve Laufmann discusses how to evaluate design and whether the human body is poorly designed. Laufmann is co-author of the book Your Designed Body: Every day, your body must solve hundreds of hard engineering problems simultaneously, or else you’ll die. In the book, Your Designed Body, systems engineer Steve Laufmann and physician Howard Glicksman explore this extraordinary system Read More ›


The Push Pull Principle

Howard Glicksman discusses the crucial push pull principle in the body, noting the heart as just one example. Laufmann is co-author of the book Your Designed Body. Every day, your body must solve hundreds of hard engineering problems simultaneously, or else you’ll die. In the book, Your Designed Body, systems engineer Steve Laufmann and physician Howard Glicksman explore this extraordinary Read More ›

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The Respiratory System (Your Designed Body)

Engineer Steve Laufmann discusses the respiratory system. Laufmann is co-author of the book Your Designed Body: Every day, your body must solve hundreds of hard engineering problems simultaneously, or else you’ll die. In the book, Your Designed Body, systems engineer Steve Laufmann and physician Howard Glicksman explore this extraordinary system of thousands of ingenious and interdependent engineering solutions that Read More ›